May 4, 1951

546 21 8

Michael cleared out his office and left. He tried to call Ola as soon as he got back to his house but she didn't answer.

Michael decided to call Janet and see if she was busy.

Janet: Hello?

Michael: Hey Dunk.

Janet: Hello Applehead.

Michael chuckled along with Janet.

Janet: So what's going on?

Michael: Are you at home?

Janet: Yeah, as a matter of fact I am.

Michael: May I come over? I need to talk to you.

Janet: Sure. Come on over.

Michael: Alright.

Michael changed his clothes, grabbed his keys, and walked outside his house. Michael got into his car and started to drive over towards Janet's house. Michael walked up to Janet's door and knocked on it.

Janet: Come in.

Michael: Hello Dunk.

Janet: Hello Applehead. What's new?

Michael: I got terminated.

Janet: What? Why?

Michael: Because I would show sympathy for the criminals and how they were treated. So, he figured that sooner or later I would start to let them go.

Janet: Does Ola know about this?

Michael: No. She wouldn't pick up her phone.

Janet sighed. Lately Ola has never been there for Michael.

Janet: What are you going to do?

Michael: Plan B.

Janet: Plan B?

Michael: Yeah. Be a bodyguard.

Janet: I heard that Diana is looking for a bodyguard. You should ask her for the position.

Michael: J....

Janet: Mike....

Michael: But what about the way I feel about her? What about everything else? Huh Dunk? What am I going to do about it? Stuff it somewhere and throw away the key?

Janet: Yes.

Michael heaved a long sigh.

Michael: I can try and put it off for a while but I can't pretend that I don't love her.

Janet: Good.

Michael: So what do I do now?

Janet: Call her.

Michael: Alright. Thanks Dunk.

Janet: Your welcome Applehead.

Michael: May I use your house phone?

Janet: Go ahead.

Michael: Thanks.

Michael began to dial Diana's number and grew nervous as he waited for Diana to pick up.

Diana: Hello?

Michael: Hi Diana.

Diana: Oh, Hello Michael.

Michael: How are you?

Diana: Im good and how about you?

Michael: I kinda need to talk to you about that...

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