Tariano Adaryl 'Tito' Jackson

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Michael smiled so wide on the other line that you could hear it in his voice.

Michael: Sure.

Diana: Thank you.

Michael: Your welcome. I'll see you in a little while, okay?

Diana: Alright. Goodbye Michael.

Diana then hung up the receiver and laid back down waiting for Michael.


Ola Ray was in New York on a business trip and to get away from everything for a while. After Michael proposed to her she lost some interest in him. Shortly afterwards Ola was called on a business trip for her job. Michael never knew what she did for a living because she only told him that she was a model. Her real job was as a XXX star model. She was taking pictures at a photo shoot and the photographer had them published in the Playboy magazine. Every time they published the magazine, she prayed that it wouldn't reach California because she didn't want Michael to find out. Ola had been done with the job for over a month now and was staying with her sister, avoiding everyone. Including Michael. She thinks that she loves him.


Michael got up and got dressed to get ready to go to Diana's house. Michael was thinking about why Ola never called him back. The last time that he remembered her calling was for his birthday, which he wasn't exactly sure what that was. Michael remembered when Ola & him were talking one day in college and the subject came up.


Ola: Okay, so when is your birthday?

Michael looked convoluted towards Ola. He didn't understand what a birthday was.

Michael: My what?

Ola looked at Michael with slightly sad and concerned eyes.

Ola: Your Birthday.

Michael: What do you mean? What is a birthday?

Ola looked surprised at Michael's comment.

Ola: You don't know what a birthday is?

Michael: No. I can't say that I do.

Ola: A birthday is the day that you were born.

Michael: Oh. I don't celebrate holidays like that.

Ola: Why not?

Michael: Because I'm a Jehovah's Witness. We don't celebrate holidays, including birthdays.

Ola looked crushed. She was sad that Michael never got to experience the joy of a birthday party like she had.

Ola: What day were you born?

Michael: August 29, 1958.

Ola breathed a sigh of relief. At least he knew what day he was born.


Michael started to ponder over and over again, why Ola never called him. Michael turned the corner and pulled into the driveway of the house that belonged to Diana. Michael walked up to Diana's door and knocked on it. Five minutes later Diana opened the door and attacked Michael in a platonic and frenetic hug.

Diana: Michael!

Michael chuckled as he held Diana close to him.

Michael: Hello Diana.

Diana: Im so glad to see you!

Michael: I can see that.

Michael chuckled as he looked down at Diana's face. Diana was full of excitement and looked breathtakingly beautiful to Michael.

Michael & Diana went inside the house and began to talk. Michael noticed that Diana's stomach was bigger than usual and saw how she held her stomach as she sat down. Michael kept on looking at her stomach as they talked and thought about the possibilities. Was he bound to be an uncle soon? Diana soon noticed where Michael's attention was and smiled warmly.

Diana: This is my baby. My little girl.

Diana said rubbing her stomach.

Diana took Michael's hand and placed it upon her stomach. The baby kicked Michael's hand and Michael smiled at the baby's response to his touch.

Diana: This is your uncle Michael.

Michael: What's her name?

Diana: Rhonda Suzanne Silberstein.

Michael: That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

Diana: Thank you.

Michael got down on his knees and listened to Diana's stomach.

Michael: Hello in there. Can you hear me?

Michael joked which made Diana laugh as he gently rubbed Diana's stomach and feeling the baby kick his hand once more.

Diana: Oh Michael.

Diana smiled warmly admiring the way Michael was communicating with her unborn baby girl, Rhonda.

Michael: I think I hear her responding. Hello Miss Rhonda, this is your Uncle Michael and I hear that you are going to be my niece. You should be happy because you have a very beautiful and successful mother. You will probably turn out as beautiful as her but if not, then you will look even better. I love you.

Diana smiled brightly at Michael's small but meaningful speech towards Rhonda.

Diana shed a few tears of joy because of the speech that Michael gave and that she was happy that Michael was here while Robert was gone.

Diana: Michael, you are truly the sweetest man that I have ever met in my life.

Diana said in between her tears. Michael smiled and stood up before Diana.

Michael: Diana. Diana don't cry.

Michael said whipping away Diana's tears with his index finger.

Diana: Im crying because I'm happy. May I cry happy tears Michael?

Michael smiled and nodded.

Michael: Yes.

Michael then lifted up Diana's head up and kissed her cheek. Diana looked at Michael and smiled. Michael laid down onto Diana's Queen sized bed and Diana snuggled up next to him.

Michael: Diana?

Diana: Yes?

Michael: I love you and my little sweet niece, Rhonda.

Diana smiled and looked up at Michael. She saw how kissable his lips looked and her lips desired to be synchronized with his. She rejected her desires and just looked at Michael's baby face, his jerry curls, and his pretty brown eyes.

Michael looked at Diana and knew what was going to happen if they didn't stop admiring each other. They were camaraderies.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

Michael sat up in frustration and looked at Diana.

Diana: What's wrong Michael?

Michael: I.. I really have to get going.

Diana sighed and looked down.

Diana: Oh ok.

Michael got up from the bed and walked to the front door of Diana's house. Michael stopped and paused for a moment. He bent down and said goodbye to Rhonda.

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