May 29 1956

465 14 2

Michael: Diana..

Michael sighed.

Diana: Tell me! I want to know if you love me like Robert did.

Michael's jaw clenched tighter at his name. He hated to be compared to him because of what he did to Diana.

Michael: I don't love you like Robert did.

Diana sat down and sighed. Michael sat in front of her chair and spoke again.

Michael: I Love You more than Robert did. Robert is your past, I am your present and future. I will always be here for you. I've loved you since I was nine but I didn't know how to tell you until I got older. Preferably on your Sixteenth birthday.... But when you rejected me, I felt horrible. I cried when I climbed back into your window. Because you are the only person who ever had my heart, I never loved anyone else as much as I Love You.

Diana: What about Ola?

Diana said looking at Michael.

Michael: I said never as much. Yes, I loved her but she never was around or even truthful. So we had to end it.

Diana: Oh. I'm sorry..

Diana knew that she wasn't sorry that they broke up but at the same time she was sad that Ola broke Michael's heart.

Michael: It's okay, I was waiting on you anyway. All my life I wait patiently for you to be my one and only.

Diana: You did? Why? Why me?

Michael beamed as he looked down.

Michael: I ask myself that a lot. But I'm glad that my heart chose you because you are the only person that I can relate to. I grew up with you as my best friend and sister. Now, I cry for you every time you are hurt because I care.... Listen Diane, you may not see it now but I have always been there.

Diana: I know you have.. And to be honest, I Love You too. I'm just scared that if we get together and things don't work out, we won't be as close.

Michael caressed Diana's cheek.

Michael: No. You see, you've got it all wrong. We won't be as close because we will be closer. Trust me. I'm not like those other guys.

Diana: I just.... Have to think about this. But for now, do not ever in your life, avoid me.

Michael grinned while looking down and shaking his head.

Michael: I told you, I wasn't trying to avoid you.

Michael said letting a small chuckle come out of his mouth.

Diana: Then what do you call it?

Michael: Letting you heal.

Diana frowned.

Diana: I hated that.. Don't ever do that again. Call, come over, it doesn't matter just check on me periodically.

Michael smiled.

Michael: Whatever you say Diane.

Diana tried to hold back her smile but failed so she looked down while covering her mouth.

Diana: Mike..

Michael: What? Why are you covering your mouth?

Diana shook her head.

Michael: Diane..

Michael said getting closer to Diana's face. Michael took her hand that was covering her mouth and held it firmly but gently. Diana covered her mouth with the other hand.

Michael: Diane, put your hand down.

Diana ignored Michael and proceeded to do the opposite. Michael quickly did the same thing with her other hand and forced Diana to look at him. Diana smiled not showing her teeth as Michael's eyes traveled down from her eyes to her lips and loosened his grip. Diana saw where Michael focused his attention towards and started to talk.

Diana: M-Michael. You might want to back up a little. I-I don't feel comfortable like this.... Michael.. Michael..

Diana placed both of her hands onto both sides of Michael's face and forced him to look her into her eyes. Michael could barely focus onto Diana's eyes.

Diana: Michael.

Michael: Hmm?

Diana: You're tired, go home and go to bed.

Although it wasn't true, Michael said goodbye and left. When Michael got home, he laid down onto his bed and thought about Diana. Michael wanted to kiss her but he was afraid to, especially considering the fact that she isn't ready for a relationship. Michael soon found himself drifting off into a deep and peaceful sleep.


Diana thought about everything that had happened as soon as Michael left. Was she ready to love again? No, not just yet but in time she will. A few days afterwards, Diana met Arne Naess Jr. and eight years later got married. Diana gave birth to two sons in this marriage but in all this time, Michael & Diana never kept in contact..

Michael is now 44 years old and Diana is 42.

Michael showed up at work and Diana had two toddlers walking beside her. Michael was baffled. Diana looked up and smiled.

Diana: Hello Michael.

Michael: Hello Diana, how are you?

Diana: Oh I'm doing great. I just got remarried to Arne a few years ago and these are our sons.

Michael squat down in front of the two boys. 'There will never be an Michael & Diana as a couple. Just family' Michael looked down and sighed.

Michael: Hello boys, you look handsome in your little tuxedo's.

Diana: Boys, say thank you.

Boy: Thank you.

Michael smiled and nodded.

Michael: You both are very welcome.

Michael said standing up again.

Diana: You really have not changed much.

Diana said looking at Michael's Snow white skin but she was referring to his personality.

Michael: And you blossom with even more beauty every time I see you.

Diana blushed.

Diana: Thank you Michael.

Arne: Hello baby, they said that you go on in five.

Arne said kissing her cheek.

Diana: Thank you baby. Now boys, be good for your father while I'm gone, okay?

Boys: Okay.

Diana kissed both of them but they wiped it off. Michael chuckled.

Michael: Diana..

Diana: Yes Michael?

Michael thought about what was originally going to say but refrained and said something else.

Michael: Shine like a diamond, sing smooth like a pearl. Good luck.

Diana: Thank you.

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