March 12, 1954

468 19 1

Michael: Diana please open the door.

Diana was in her room curled up in a ball on her bed where she felt safe but alone as she cried.

Michael: Diana.. Diana please..

Diana: Go away.

Michael: Diana, I know what you are going through. I had the same dream. I know what we did but it was beautiful. Diana, I will admit this.. I have always loved you and I will never stop. You have my heart and I can't live without you. You are my life. You are my sister. My heart.... Your my best friend. I Love You.... Please think about what I've said to you. Im going to leave you alone so that you may have time to think this out. Goodbye, Diana.

Michael turned to leave but as he started to walk away he turned around one last time to look at the door. It didn't budge. Michael sighed and continued to walk away.

On the other side of the door, Diana sighed and slid down the door.

Diana: What the hell did I just do? I think that I just ruined our camaraderie.


Michael was downstairs debating on weather or not to leave. Michael finally opened the front door and walked out of the house. Michael leaned up against the door for a few minutes and sighed.

Michael: My Lord, what have I done? I ruined our camaraderie between us. What am I to do?

Michael got into his vehicle and started it up. He didn't move, he just sat there and cried for about two minutes. Michael then shifted gears and pulled out of the driveway heading towards his mother's house.


Diana stood up a few minutes after she heard the door close. Diana carefully placed her hands upon the doorknob and unlocked it. Diana slowly opened the door and eased her way down the hallway towards the stairs. Diana then heard an engine start up. 'Oh God, am I doing what is right?' Diana pondered as she stood beside the staircase.

Diana decided to stop Michael and fled down the stairs in a rush. Diana got to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. Diana tried to unlock it quickly but it wouldn't budge so she took her time. Diana flung the door open after she unlocked the door just to see Michael taking off down the street. Diana ran down towards her driveway to try and see where the vehicle had gone but it had vanished.

Diana walked back up her driveway towards her household door and went inside alone once again.


Michael arrived at his mother's house shortly after he left Diana's household. Michael got out of his car and walked up to the door. Michael knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes. Someone finally opened the door and it was Michael's father Joseph.

Joseph: Hello Michael.

Michael: Hello Joseph.

Joseph: Come inside.

Michael: Thank you.

Michael stepped inside the old house that he had grew up inside of and looked around in amazement. The place was rearranged and pictures of the family were everywhere. Michael could not believe how small the house was and that he grew up here with a family number of eleven.... Twelve counting Diana.. Michael stumbled upon a picture of Michael and Diana as children.

Michael & Diana were outside in the pool having fun. The picture had them frozen as Michael was being splashed by Diana. Michael's face is covered by his arms and Diana is smiling. Right next to that picture was a picture of Michael & Diana outside of the pool, dripping wet, and smiling. Diana's arm was around Michael's neck and Michael's hand was on Diana's side.

Straight across from those pictures was a picture of a memory that Michael never wanted to forget. Michael & Diana's prom picture. Michael & Diana posed together with their foreheads pressed together and Diana's arms were around Michael's neck as Michael's hands were placed upon Diana's hips. Both of the teenagers were smiling and in a slow dancing position.

Katherine: Michael, how are you baby?

Michael: Hello mother, Im fine. How are you and Joseph doing?

Michael said as he hugged his mother.

Katherine: We are doing great.

Michael: That's good. Mother, I need to ask you about something.

Katherine: What is it baby?

Michael: Well, it's about Diana.

Katherine stopped smiling and looked at Michael.

Katherine: What's wrong baby?

Michael: Diana and I had a dream and now we can't be around each other anymore. Plus Diana is married but she's getting a divorce and I love her. Diana has always looked at me only as he brother but I don't want to be just her brother. I want to love her, I want to make her happy Mom. I want to marry Diana. I hate that I love her so much Mom. It hurts too much that we will never be more than just friends. I want to be her lover, not her brother. Mother please tell me what to do.

Michael said starting to cry once he mentioned about Diana only looking at him like a brother. Michael cried into Katherine's arms until he got calm again. Michael wiped away his tears and sat down. Katherine sat down next to Michael and rubbed his back.

Katherine: Come here baby. Lay down. There ain't nothin' wrong with a little cryin' every now and then.

Michael laid his head down in his mother's lap and Katherine started to run her fingers though Michael's long, curly, and wet hair.

Katherine: Michael. You just gotta understand, you can't make someone fall in love with you. You gotta show'em how much you love'em. Diana is a beautiful young lady and I think that she loves you too but is just too afraid to admit it because of heartache. She just don't wanna be hurt again so she's take'n things one day at a time because you know that she just got over Robert. You gotta understand that a woman's heart is delicate and that she can only take so much pain at one time. Now tell me 'bout this dream that you were talk'n 'bout.

Michael: Well, mother I must warn you that you may not like it.

Katherine nodded in understanding.

Katherine: Tell me.

Michael: Well, Diana and I were at my house because she had just dropped off her children at Janet's house and.....

Michael told Katherine about what had happened in the coincidental but erotic dream that both Michael & Diana had. When Michael had finished talking about the dream Katherine continuously nodded her her head in understanding.

Katherine: I understand completely.

Michael: You do? What do I have to do?

Michael said sitting up.

Katherine: You don't do nothin'.

Michael: Ma'am?

Katherine smiled.

Katherine: You love Diana, Diana loves you. You do nothin' but pray and let God handle this. In the meantime, give Diana some space and let her clear her mind. She will tell you when she is ready to see you again.

Michael: Thank you Mother.

Michael said hugging Katherine.

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