Jermaine LaJuane Jackson

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The year came when Michael was 33 years old and Diana was 31. Robert & Diana have not been seeing eye to eye lately and lost the love that they once shared. They don't even sleep in the same bed together anymore. Right now they are arguing about how in the last two years, Diana spent most of her time with Michael instead of Robert.

Diana: So what are you trying to say?

Robert: I don't want you to ever see that Bastard again!

Diana was hurt. Michael had always been her best friend.


Robert: Choose.

Diana was in tears at that statement. She loves both of them.


Robert: Then let me make it easier for you!

Robert got a suitcase out of the closet and packed some clothes inside of it. Diana watched in horror as he packed.

Diana: Wait a minute. Robert where are you going?

Robert: Away from you. I want a divorce.

Diana was crushed. She never thought that this day would have ever come....

A divorce....

Diana sat down onto her bed after the door to the house slammed shut, which sealed the deal and started to cry. Just then, Rhonda walked into her mother's room and saw her cry.

Rhonda: Mommy don't cry.

Diana looked up at Rhonda and dried her eyes.

Diana: Come here baby.

Diana said while reaching towards Rhonda. Rhonda came to her and Diana held her.

Rhonda: Mommy why were you crying? Where's daddy?

Diana looked at Rhonda, kissed her gently, and smiled.

Diana: Would you like to go over auntie Janet's house?

Rhonda's eyes lit up with excitement.


Diana: Okay, go get your bag and I'll help you pack.

Rhonda ran into her room and grabbed it, then ran back to Diana's room. While Rhonda was looking for her bag, Diana called Janet, asking her to watch her children for a few days. Janet agreed.


Diana: Not until we pack.

Diana laughed. Diana packed clothes for all of her children to last a few weeks, four weeks to be exact. Diana then put all of their stuff inside of the van and drove her children to Janet's house. Diana had a private conference with Janet and Diana told Janet why she was leaving them here for so long and how she needed to clear her mind. Janet understood. Diana left and headed towards Michael's house.

Diana walked up to the door and knocked onto it. Shortly after Diana knocked onto the door, Michael opened it shirtless and with a tired expression on his face. Diana stood there at the door speechless at how Michael was dressed. His stomach showed off his six pack and Diana thought that he looked sexy when he had a sleepy expression on his face.

Michael: Hello Diana.

Michael said smiling and hid himself behind the door once he realized that it was Diana standing at his front door.

Diana: H-hi. I-is this a bad time?

Michael: Oh no. Come on inside and I'll be down in a second.

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