If It Means A Lot To You (Sequel to WACK) - Kellic

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So this is basically taking place like two years after What A Catch, Kellin has been written. So basically, just go ahead and check that one right out- or don't, I mean...there may be some refrences from there so it'll probably be a good idea, if you don't want to that's fine. I really hope you guys enjoy it, well, you don't have to enjoy it, but it'll be nice if you did...enjoy it? 

Uh, so this is basically a summary type thing, so I guess I'll give you a short intro to what the hell is going on because I basically just hit the fast forward button to two years and that's a long time in Kellic years. 

Alright, so on the last one I pretty much left it at Kellin asking if they'd ever move in together and Vic said yes so like, now they're living together. (that escalated quickly) Vic's still studying at college and Kellin still doesn't know what he wants to major in so he basically gets paid to help Jack (Barakat) with his clothing line 'jagk'. 

Of course they'll be drama, fluff, and probably smut, I'll give it a shot for you perverts, but I've never written any so it'll more than likely end up looking all awkward and such because I'm not sure how to write it. 

This isn't a chapter, so it's pretty short. First chapter will be up soon, depends. It'll be longer than this piece of explanatory shit. 

*Kellin Quinn voice* I'm really excited about it and I think it's gonna be sick. Uh, kids are definetly not ready for this shit, man. 

Cover credit to: -kellic you should go check out her stories and covers because both are equally fucking fab 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now