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- Kellin's P.O.V - 

"Jesus, take the wheel!" Jaime cried out, running into the bedroom. 

Tori sighed, "He's busy, he ain't got time to take your motherfucking wheel," she muttered, following close behind. Mike and Tony went ahead and excused themselves too- well, they just walked off. 

I trailed my eyes over to a flustered Vic and annoyed Katelynne (did I spell that right?), "So," I crossed my arms over my chest, "What's this all about?" one of my eyebrows raised up on it's own. 

Vic cleared his throat, "You know how in the movies the midget guy is always the bad one?" I nodded slowly, "Well, I'm almost considered a midget in your eyes- and uh, well, I'm not evil- but...I lost my point," he groaned. 

"Just..." I inhaled, "What are we all doing in the same room? I mean, It would be great if it was only you and me, 'cause you know..." I winked suggestively. 

Katelynne heaved, "Ewe, not here, please," the look she was giving us was priceless. 

Vic cleared his throat, "I brought her over so that you two could work things out-" he put a finger up to silence me, "And you two will work it out, alright? I'm going to leave you two alone, if I get back and you two aren't having a jolly good time I swear the last fucking supper," his tone of voice let us know this was no fucking game.

"And what if we-"

"The last fucking supper!" he cut me off, watching me and Katelynne intently as he exited the room, going in the same direction as the others.

Well, this was awkward.


"Kellin," We both nodded, letting our eyes trail around the room as if it were the first time we'd stepped foot in it, "How was your day?" 

Small talk, huh? "Painful," I bit my lip, "I don't suppose you know anything about that," I swept my hair to the side, ignoring the look she gave my eye. 

 "I had nothing to do with that," she shook her head dismissively, "Honestly." 

"You had nothing to do with it," I repeated, my voice coming out more accusing that I'd expected, well, maybe that was on purpose- I'm undecided. 

She tilted her head, looking at me as if I was the stupidest human being on this planet, "I did not." she clarified, "I'd told them what you said to me and they, well, they did that," she gestured to my face, "Which I guess was going a teeny bit overboard," she shrugged. 

"A teeny bit?!" I exclaimed. 

She nodded, "That's what I said," 

"Yeah, uh, and that's what I heard, but holy shit!" I tried flailing my arms around the air, only to drop them down quickly, I'd much rather be watching Dr. Phil right now! 

"Well what did you expect?" she scoffed. 

"Are they all like you?" I asked, my eyes widening- the thought of more Katelynnes roaming this planet terrified me, I just imagine them all standing at random places with binoculars or some shit. 

"Kind of," her pitch went up as she spoke, "I mean, we are friends, so it's only normal." the way she said it made it seem like it was no big deal. 

I looked down at the ground trying to process everything that was just being thrown at my face, "Do you not know how weird that is?" now that we were on this topic, why the fuck not bring it up? 

"Is it supposed to be?" she asked, while shaking her head slightly, giving me a puzzled look. 

"We need Dr. Phil for moments like these..." I rubbed my temples, sighing a little. 

She scoffed, "How the hell is that old man supposed to help?" 

My head whipped up, "Excuse me?" she didn't speak, "Dr. Phil is love, Dr. Phil is life." I'm a bit shocked I've never met him in person- Is this how Tori feels towards Gerard? I understand her troubles now. 

"Wait a minute," she looked down quickly, "You like Dr. Phil?" 

If I had a penny for everytime I've said Dr. Phil..."Duh," I practially yelled, "Who doesn't?" 

Her expression turned into a horrified one, "Are you serious," I nodded slowly, "What do I see in you?!" she screetched. 

"Ouch," I pretended to feel hurt.

"Look," she pursed her lips, though her expression never faltered, "Just pretend none of this ever happened..." kind of hard to forget, "I've just come to my senses, and I hate to break it to you, but we're just not meant to be," she picked up her purse and walked straight out of the house, without another single word. 

What the fuck? Had Dr. Phil just solved my biggest problem without actually being here? I looked up , "Thank you, Phil." 

My little moment of faith was soon taken away by Vic, "Where's Katelynne?" he asked curiously, eyeing me suspisiously. 

I walked over to him, patting him on the shoulder, "Dr. Phil," I mumbled quietly, leaving him and his surprised face alone. 

That went a lot better than expected. 


okay guys, she's out of the story foreverrrrrrrrr (thank Dr. Phil, he's Jesus) sorry, it probably seems like I'm just messing around, but I've just been really stressed bc summer school tomorrow and it's just making me very angry that I have to show up, lol. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now