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- Kellin's P.O.V - 

"And then he told her to stick a cactus up her anus," Vic laughed, letting everyone know about our short encounter with Katelynne. Why must he do this to me? 

They all laughed, "She deserves it- well, she deserves more than that, but that's a start," Mike looked in my direction. 

I groaned, "Did you guys want me to, like, lock her up in a closet and lose the key?" My eyes met their serious expressions, what is wrong with these people!? "No." I stated firmly, watching their expressions drop. 

"So what'd your parents say?" Tony asked, holding a can of soda in his right hand, the left being entwined with Mike's. 

Vic sighed, "Mama and Papa were pretty skeptical about it, I mean with me being the only one near and all." Mike nodded in understanding, rubbing the back of Tony's hand with his thumb. 

They looked at me, "They just told me to visit," I shrugged, "And then they started talking about Siren." I patted his head, seeing as he was sprawled out on mine and Vic's lap- he seemed comfortable enough. 

"That's it?" Tori asked with a frown, messing with Jaime's hair. Jaime was asleep, which was unusual. 

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, why?" 

 "No 'I love you' or anything like that?" she clarified, studying me quietly. 

I shook my head, "I'll come back and visit, what's the big deal?" 

They all gave me the same look Mike and Vic gave me when they were talking about the memories or whatever, "Nothing." she mumbled, sharing a look with Tony. 

"Okay?" I more asked than stated, because, really, I don't understand why she felt the need to ask. 

"Well," Vic spoke up, tightening his grip on my hand, "We should get going to sleep." he gave me a warm smile, 

I returned the gesture, "Yeah," I yawned, "We should." 

- Vic's P.O.V - 

If it wasn't for the weight on my chest, or the little wet kisses being trailed down my chest I probably wouldn't have woken up right now, the kisses that could only be identified as Kellin Quinn's. The little kisses I would die without- which would make it very unfortunate if I'd broken up with him. Very fucking unfortunate. I groaned, opening my eyes slowly, "What are you doing?" my voice was a little bit raspy. 

"Good morning," he winked, continuing to leave little marks along my body, I moaned a little at the contact, throwing my head back, this felt really good. Like when you get home after a long day of work and just throw yourself onto your bed hitting all of the fresh sheets, it's just- fucking amazing. 

He palmed me through the fabric of my boxers, making my breathing hitch- "Whoa," my eyes widened. He grinned, letting his toungue glide down my happy trail, finally moving his hands to the hem of my boxers when- 

"I better get to work," he smirked, waltzing off of the bed, unlocking the door- making sure to sway his hips as much as possible. 

This motherfucker. "Get back here and suck my dick!" I whined, helplessly, giving him the best death glare I could- he was not going to leave me with this stick. 

He hummed for a few seconds, before shaking his head, "I really need to go." he grinned, leaving the room. 

Fucking little asshole- something I'd like to be doing at the moment. (I just..) 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now