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"Well, now that we're here why don't we do something interesting?" Jaime asked, making sure to kick my seat in the process. 

I sighed, "I don't know, there's nothing very interesting-" 

"But My Chemical Romance," Tori cut me off, with a very enthusiastic laugh. Her "fangirl" mode has been activated since yesterday. Weirdo. 

I nodded, "other than that, their's nothing that cool. I mean, we could drop by my parents and ask for the key to the pool or something," I suggested with a shrug. 

"You own a pool?!" Mike asked, sounding a bit baffled that he has never heard of the said pool. 

"They own a pool," I corrected him, "so yay or nay?" it was hot and all so I don't see why they wouldn't want to go, besides it's a private pool; it'll just be us! 

They all sat in silence for a while before a loud obnoxious chorus of yes's came, "Well that escalated quickly," Vic mumbled from beside me, I chuckled. 

"I don't even know what that means," I said. 

"No one knows what it means, but it's provocative." he stated with a sly smirk. 

"No it's not it's just-" I began, playing along.

"It gets the people going!" he cut me off, both of us sharing a look before laughing uncontrollably. 

Mike's head popped out from the backseat, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but if we don't move in the next...five seconds, the person in the car behind us is going to loose their shit," I looked back and sure enough there was a very angry looking lady, she actually looked like one of those power lifters, my first instinct was to drive as fast and far away from her as possible- so that's exactly what we did. 

"Holy hell, you live here?!" Jaime asked, staring at the house in awe. 

I sighed and cleared my throat, "Yeah, yeah, you guys coming?" they all nodded, my eyes scanned the driveway until they landed on both my parents' cars, now that I'm not here, they always are. What a surprise. I unbuckled my seat belt, and opened my door, Vic following suit, walking over to me and grabbing my hand- I looked over and grinned, waiting for everyone else to get out, needless to say it was a long wait. 

"Mom, Dad!" I yelled, shutting the door behind me. 

Tony winced from the volume of my voice, "Jesus, any louder?" he hissed, messaging his ears. 

I just rolled my eyes in response, hearing the familiar sound of footsteps approaching from some direction....there was many directions, when my mom's eyes landed on me she rushed over quickly, enfolding me in a hug and showering me with kisses, "Kellin!" she shrieked. 

"Whoa mom, embarrassing much?" I groaned, pushing her away from me. My eyes trailed back to the others, trying to contain their laughter. Jaime mouthed a 'momma's boy' before snickering. I sighed, "We wanted to know if we could borrow the keys to the pool." I mumbled, smiling sheepishly. 

My mom looked over at everyone else, "Aren't you going to introduce me?" she asked, raising a stern eyebrow. 

"Jesus Christ," I muttered, "That's Jack B, you already know him, Tony, Jaime, Tori, and you already know Mike and Vic," I raised our very obvious entwined hands. 

She grinned, nodding quickly, "Let me go get the keys," was all she left us at before scampering off. 

Once she was out of earshot Jack and Jaime began pretending to kiss each other's head...it was disturbing, "Your gay is showing," I deadpanned, hearing Vic snort. 

"Remember when we were cuddling on the couch and your parents came home?" he asked, blushing a little at the memory, "Then I got all nervous because I thought they'd be angry..." a small chuckle escaped his lips. 

I nodded, "Yeah," that was something, "or that time we built that huge fort, then once we got in it all fell down," I laughed loudly at the memory. 

"I told you we needed more chairs," he scolded, shaking his head slightly, but still laughing. 

"Good times, good times...." I mumbled, looking up at nothing for special effects. 

"And we have many more to come," he grinned, tilting his head up a little to look at me clearly. 

We both just stood there for a while, feeling extremely content- we didn't even realize my mom come back until a flash burned my eyes, I glared at her and her fucking camera, "I need these for my scrapbook," she gushed enthusiastically, showing Tori the picture. They both muttered a few things to each other, all I caught onto was the word 'cute' coming from my mom. This was humiliating. 

Vic nudged my shoulder, "Scrapbook, huh?" he whispered, quietly. 

I froze, "Sh!" I scolded him, once my mom hears someone else ask about the scrapbook she'll want to show everyone the pictures in it- their's naked Kellin pictures in there. Not really something I want everyone seeing. Except for Vic. Vic could see me naked.

"Mom, we'll take that key now," I murmured impatiently. 

She jumped out of her little trance, "Here ya go, darling." she handed me a set of keys, "It's the purple one." she nodded to herself. 

"Thanks, we'll stop by later tonight." 

"Will do, love you!" 

We were now stood in front of the large pool, after everyone finished gawking at how 'huge' it was, "Alright...on the count of three we all jump, got it?" I yelled. 

"Got it!" they all shouted in unison. 

"Alright, one....two...THREE!" my voice was followed by the loud splash of everyone jumping, I couldn't help but laugh. 

Tony's head popped out first, "Kellin, you asshole!" I doubled over laughing, completely oblivious to Vic still standing behind me. 

"Surprise," he whispered, startling me. That alone was enough for me to shriek like a child, landing in the cold pool water quickly. 

I glared at him, "Dick move, you dick." I glared in his direction, he just stuck his tongue out at me, "You will regret that later tonight," I swam away after winking suggestively. 

That's how the rest of our day went, us playing with the pool noodles (that's what I call them) and those inflatable animals. All was well until, "Mike what are you doing?!" Vic asked loudly, I stopped hitting Tori with the inflatable pink dolphin named walrus, to see what was going on. 

Tony and Mike were sitting very close to each other, both of them wearing matching expressions, "Uh, uh....It's-" Mike began babbling, unable to form coherent words, "Kellin help," he whimpered desperately. 

Vic looked at me with a glare, "You knew about this and didn't tell me?!" 

I opened my mouth to respond, but then closed it quickly. How do I get out of this one? I inhaled and backed down underwater slowly, no drama here. 


whoops. Kellin's great with handling conflict, huh? 

Sorry for this chapter btw I'm not sure what I'm doing. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now