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I woke up to the sound of thumps, many thumps and very loud growling sounds. Now, being the logical person I obviously am I got up to go check what the fuck was going on. Not only because I was worried about Bandit's well being, this was also mine and Vic's first place together- it would be a shame if someone broke in or some shit. My left hand reached up to wipe some of the sleep out of my eyes, Getting off the bed slowly, not that I didn't care, I was just really tired. Things seem to fly out the window when I'm really tired. 

"Whoa," the word slipped out of my mouth quickly, Bandit was running around with a black t-shirt bandana like thing on her head, holding one of the light-sabers Tony had brought with him, "What are you guys doing?" I got their attention quickly. 

All seven pairs of eyes landed on me immediately, "We're playing pirate star wars!" Bandit giggled, throwing her fist up in the air. 

I gave them all a look, "Okay, I understand her," I paused, motioning toward their ridiculous outfits, "But really?" 

Vic stood up off of his crawling position, keeping his eyes locked with mine, "You totally just stopped us from defeating Dr. Evilclooney." Vic protested, stomping his foot on the ground, "Do you guys know what that means?" his eyes scanned the room. Everyone nodded- everyone but me. 

"Dr. Evilclooney, what are you guys, Five?" Bandit pouted, "No offense-" I cut myself off with my own yelp, feeling my back hit the floor, and about two bodies feeling me all up. Not a very comfortable way to start my morning, "What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted, though all I got in response was a couple of giggles- manly giggles. 

Once my view wasn't being blocked I was greeted by Vic's smirking face, Bandit standing next to him, both had their arms crossed with a professional look on their face. Vic nodded toward Mike and Tony, "You two know what to do with him," he ordered, watching them pick me up and set me on a chair. They proceeded to tie my arms and legs to the chair, making sure to keep me there for whatever reason. I was stuck sitting there with a dumbfounded look on my face because I honestly did not know how I was supposed to react to this. 

Bandit and Vic walked in front of me skilfully smug look on both of their faces, Tori, Mike, Jaime, Tony, and Jack stood behind them. It was like some shitty scene in a low budget movie, "Do you know why you're here?" Vic asked, popping his knuckles, Bandit tried to mimic his actions, but just ended up squeezing her fingers. 

"No, what a-" I could feel a ramble coming on. 

"Silence!" Bandit ordered, poking a lightsaber to my chest, I shied away quickly. 

Vic walked a full circle around the chair I was seated in, studying me carefully, "What do you think we should do to him?" he asked Jack.

"To the dungeon!" Jack yelled, getting a chorus of 'Yeah's!' in response, this game was way too intense for me. 

I was left there to watch them discuss what would be 'best for the hooligan', now I'm no expert, but I am also not a fucking hooligan. I made sure to intensify my glare, giving them all eery looks. I had morning breath and a bed head to use against them while each one of them was given a lightsaber and...silly string? Was this fucking planned? 

Tony turned away from the group, giving me a sympathetic smile before opening his mouth, "ATTACK!" he shrieked, pulling a can of silly string out of his back and aiming it in my direction, the others all did the same.

My eyes widened in realization, "Come on guys, lets not make any rash decisions," if I had access to my hands, I'd be holding them up right now- they knew me so well, though this was not the time to appreciate their friendship. 

"We have no choice," Tori shook her head, looking at the others for approval, they all nodded, "Three..." 

"We can work this out!" 


"Let's sort this out like adults-" 


"Come on, i- NO, STOP!" my vision was soon cut off by many cold string thingies (probably how i'd end up writing smut tbh ahahahHAHA), "STOP, STOP, STOP!" I shrieked, kicking my feet around, it only caused for me to fall backward- though that didn't stop them from having their fucking parade. 

I stopped struggling once the sound of the silly string being sprayed stopped, the chair was lifted off the floor and my hands and feet were untied. The first thing I did was wipe my eyes, making sure to narrow them at every single person in the room, "I'm going to go clean this off- but trust me when I say you're all..." I thought of a child-friendly word, "You're all buttfaces." I mumbled, walking off into the restroom. I could hear them laughing behind me.



A short filler bc I promised myself I would not go shower until I finished this chapter, haha. Still hope you guys somewhat enjoy it! 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now