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I sat there anxiously waiting for the doorbell to ring. Vic left a few minutes ago to do whatever it is Vic's do when they go out. Hopefully he likes his surprise, I mean, it's kind of...well, I'm not really sure how to put this. The house was silent without him or Siren here. We need kids- wait, no. No no no no no, nope, no kids, I did not say that. Would it be so bad if- No, shut up Kellin. "Okay." I spoke to myself. 

"KELLIN OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!" Mike's voice boomed through the other side of the door, that's pretty odd. I didn't even realize anyone knocking. (did you get the references, hehe) 

My feet stumbled over themselves as I reached for the doorknob, four heads stood on the other side, "Kellin!" three of them shouted, going in for extremely tight hugs. I clenched my eyes shut at the sudden impact. 

Since I'm not really sure how gatherings work I just settled for patting them all on the head, "Hello comrades." I greeted them, attempting a salute. 

Tony wrapped an arm around my neck, "Thanks for bringing us out man, means a lot." the others nodded in agreement, including Mike who'd decided that after high school he wanted to go back to San Diego, he is now living in Tony's basement. 

"It's no big deal, really." I shrugged it off, when in reality it felt pretty fucking amazing having people praise you as if you were Jesus. "Vic should be getting back in aboooout," I glanced around quickly, "an hour at least." I smiled. 

Jaime gave me a look, "How do you know?" 

I shrugged, "Just do." 

"Really?" he quirked an eyebrow. 

"Jesus, what is this interrogation?!" I sighed over dramatically. 

Jaime laughed, "I'm kidding dude, what do we do now?" he made this little excitement thing where he jiggled his arms in some weird way. If I've learned anything it's that Jaime was weird. 

"We wait for Vic to get here, and then when he does we all hide, well, you guys hide. 'Surprise!' better be the only words I hear coming out of your mouth when you come out, and yeah. Just wait a while before you surprise him or whatever." hopefully we do not give Vic a heart attack, that would not be okay. 

Mike nodded, "Alright, we gotcha. Where do you guys store your bathroom? I need to squeeze the lemon." 

Maybe Jaime wasn't the only weird one. 

"Get in the damn room!" I seethed at a confused looking Mike, he was simply standing in the middle of the hallway, not a care in the world for Mike Fuentes, nope. 

He snapped out of his daze and scampered in quickly, right when he slammed the door the front door opened, "Hey Vic!" I grinned cheekily, well, until I saw the expression on his face. 

For whatever reason he was not happy, "What is this?" he hissed, holding up a photo in my direction. 

I chuckled at the picture of Matty and I, "Took this a few weeks ago when we went to the movies," I beamed, "How'd you get it?" 

He scoffed, "Why don't you ask Matty?" the emphasis he put on Matty's name pretty much clarified that he was jealous in some way. 

My facial expression changed completely, "Are you serious?" I chuckled, just not in the humorous way. Did he actually think I was sneaking around with Matty? 

I didn't even have to word that, "Well, that's what it looks like." he shrugged. 

"You're ridiculous, really-" I was about to go off into a full on rant. 

Luckily the guys- and Tori decided to 'surprise' him at that moment, "Surprise!" they all yelled at the same time. Vic looked from them to me, his features softened. 

The tension in the room was almost really suffocating me, yes it was possible, plus I was not in any mood to be around him at the moment so I kindly excused myself, "Yeah, surprise Vic." I muttered with maybe a bit more attitude than intended, "I'll be back in a few." I informed them before walking out of the apartment. 


- Vic's P.O.V -

"Whoa, what's up with him?" Mike asked after a few seconds of all of us just standing there. 

I shook my head, "N-nothing," a smile etched its way onto my face, "Hey!" 

Kellin took the time to surprise me by bringing my friends, and brother up and I repay him by accusing him of cheating on me with his straight best friend. 

I hecked up


ooooooooooooooh, trust issues again!  You guys will be getting more of Vic's friends for the next few chapters because they're really fun to write about.

Vic better sort his shit out. (Oh and sorry for short, slow updates, I've been a tad busy. Plus my mind is having trouble coming up with things to write, oh what great joy)  

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now