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Hi, hello, So um, for those of you who weren't able to read 'Veintiocho' was able to pick up some suggestions: 

- go on google and look up the name of the story, you know, 'If It Means A Lot To You'.


- Delete the story from your library, follow me, then re-add it. 

I'm not sure if those will work, since, I'm obviously able to read it, but go ahead and try it out! If you don't have to read it? Idk, just... Yeah, chapter, now. - or filler, whatever you'd like to call it, hope you enjoy! 


 - Kellin's P.O.V - 

After we'd decided we had been laying around for more than an hour, both equally nervous as to see if they had all heard all of it, we just thought it was time. I mean, who's afraid to walk out of their room after having some very loud sex? Us. That's not the point though, not at all. I decided to walk in first, spotting Jaime and Tori in the same position they were in before I left- Tori showing Jaime something on her phone, "And that, the little brown one is Charlie," she pointed at the small animal on her screen. 

Jaime tilted his head to the side, "Why did you name him after a human- a male human?" he asked, keeping his eyes trained on her phone. 

"Have you ever watched Smosh?" she gave him a skeptical look, "Charlie the drunk guinea pig?" he shook his head, "Well- that and I was a lonely person throughout most of my life, not that that's any of your business." the way her voice came out made me chuckle, turning every ones attention onto me. 

Of course Jaime had to be the first one to speak, "I see my little, 'don't cut off his dick' tip worked, huh?" when I didn't respond he opened his mouth again, "You get it, because you're still able to ride and stuff, like..." he raised on shoulder, grinning like a child- stopping when no one said anything, "No? Oh, okay, I'll explain later." he nodded to himself. 

Mike rolled his eyes, "Okay, so since I don't exactly like thinking about you and my brothers' sex life, I suggest we all forget any of this happened," he paused, "Just," a sigh, "Next time ask us to leave or something, I mean Jesus Christ- those noises will startle me in my sleep." 

Tony smirked, "I can help you get them out?" he spoke suggestively. 

"Oh god," I spoke quickly, "No, no. Don't say that Tony, no." I pointed my finger at him, as if I were disciplining a dog or something. 

"Doesn't feel so good when it's you huh?" he asked, trying to prove a point. 

Tori slipped her phone into her back pocket, "Well if you wanted privacy, that's all you had to say," she sang it out, changing the lyrics from I'm Not Okay, by My Chemical Romance, "I never want to hear you moan, or have you go 'Ah, fuck, yeah!', forget about the dirty looks, the images his brother took, remember when you cr-" this was truly humiliating. 

And here I thought I was spicing things up a little, "You guys are not okay," 

"I promise," Vic added from behind me, striding over and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Mike's face scrunched up in disapproval, "God, the images- th...they burn!" I brought his hands up to his eyes, making the whole thing look extra dramatic, "I can't see, what have you done!?" he exclaimed, running out of the room. 

Vic and I shared a look, "He's seen it before?" hadn't he, well, maybe by seeing it and adding the sound onto it, he just...I don't know, really. 

The room turned awkwardly quiet, until Siren scampered out of the room, Jaime looked at us with wide eyes, "You guys did not..." he spoke quietly, breaking the silence. 

I sighed, "We didn't know," my tone matched his. 

"What the fuck is life?!" he asked, beginning to laugh uncontrollably. 

I groaned, swaying my head to the side, "I'm going to bed," I muttered, not willing to look at any of them before I left, Vic following close behind.

"Round two, eh? Don't forget Siren!" Jaime shouted, over his laughter. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now