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A few wise words from an experienced man- 'Don't get silly string on your fucking hair', it got tangled and, just- don't do it dammit. I tried my best pride walk out of the secluded bathroom, standing at the end of the hall over everyone. "Hey Kellin!" Jack greeted me as if they hadn't just attacked me, they will never hear the end of this. 

"Hello douche-mabobs," I waved, scratching the back of my neck afterward, "Bandit your dad called, it's time to go." I chuckled at her pout, Tony and Tori seemed to perk up all of a sudden, I'll just consider this shit payback, "I would take you all, but I think you guys have more important things to do." I shrugged, smirking slightly. 

Tori's eyes widened, "Kellin, man- I thought we were friends," she pouted, Tony nodded, mimicking her actions. 

I just laughed, shaking my head, "Not for today we're not." They all stared at me like I was the biggest dick in the world, not the good kind of dick though- not the point. I see what they were doing here, "You're not going to guilt me into taking you guys," I reasoned, flicking my head to the side, making all my fringe just flop, it only gave me a clearer look at all of their faces. Mother fuckers, "Get in the car." I spoke hopelessly, watching them all scramble to their feet and out the door. 

Bandit stood still, a frown on her face, "I don't wanna go home." she mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Something tells me it had something to do with whatever was going on before I got there, "Why not?" I asked, making my way over to her cautiously. Kids are scary- some are, she's adorable when she wants to be, which is twenty four- seven. 

"Daddy was really angry," she whimpered, this is probably going to sound douchie but I really couldn't have her crying. 

"Was he angry at you?" I asked quietly, sitting on the couch and lifting her onto my lap, she just sat there looking at the ground. 

"No," she shook her head, "He got a phone call, but I don't know- I'm scared," she mumbled, playing with her hands.

I nodded slowly, "Well he called right now," she looked up at me with hopeful eyes, "He's not angry anymore. It was just in the heat of the moment, he's fine," I reassured her quietly. 

She grinned, "Really?" her enthusiasm was back- Well done, Kellin. 

"Yeah," I nodded, "Come on, let's go." 

 "Alright, listen up here you fuckers," I turned my body toward everyone in the backseat, "You will not do anything stupid. I mean, you can, but it's on you." none of them were looking at me, they were all gawking at something- someone behind me, "You could at least pretend to listen to me," I rolled my eyes, turning to look out the window, where none other than Gerard Way stood. Vic and I had gotten pretty much used to his presence, but the others...not so much. 

Gerard poked his head into the car, eyes widening at all the people- at least we weren't teenagers. (i did it again! woo, double combo!) "Hey Kellin, Vic," he nodded toward the others, "I actually had to head out somewhere really quickly- would you be alright with just hanging around here for a few minutes?" his eyes held their usual pleading look whenever something was urgent, besides, who was I to say no? Kellin fucking Quinn, that's who. 

"Yeah, sure. Let me just pull up," I smiled. You didn't really think I'd reject his offer, right? 

He grinned, "Great! I'm gonna go see if Frank and Mikey are ready, just walk in- the door's open," he dismissed himself with a small wave. 


"Oh Jesus please don't let this be a dream again," I heard Tori whisper to no one in general. 

"This is really happening," Tony kept repeating to himself. 

Mike, Jaime, and Jack were all just smiling wide- handling a lot better than the little killjoys, Bandit leaning on Mike's arm- asleep, "You two are acting like we've just arrived to Disneyland," I commented, pulling into the driveway. 

Tori shushed me, "Well sorry we don't have any celebrity friends, asswipe." she muttered, a grin still evident on her face. 

I narrowed my eyes at her from the rear view mirror, "Okay first of all," I paused, "I am not an asswipe." they all waited for a second of all, that never came. 

"What movie?" Vic asked from the DVD player, we'd been sitting around for the past few minutes just deciding on what to do, we all had different options- most revolving upping our selfie game in Gerard Way's house. Oh boy, it was very hard to neglect that offer. 

After an epic battle of rock paper scissors, we'd formally decided to watch 'Instructions Not Included', it wasn't until I scanned the area that I realized one person was missing- "Jesus fucking Christ Tori". I muttered to myself, standing up promptly and wandering around the relatively large home, I already kind of had an idea of where she was- it was pretty obvious. 

The bedroom. (oh, fun times woo) 

I walked in just in time to catch her leap onto the bed, her eyes snapped open almost immediately, "This is where they have the sex," she whispered so quietly I was barely able to hear her, she then proceeded to clutch a pillow to her chest and inhale it deeply. Is this normal? 

I cleared my throat involuntarily, causing her to sit up straight, all the blood draining from her face, "Let's go." I made a signal with my thumb. 

She nodded, straightening the bed quickly before rushing out in front of me. 

What a strange child


I felt bad for not updating yesterday so I came up with this- which is shit, sorry. 

Oh and new cover! I have the wonderful - kellic to thank for it, go check her out and her stories, both are fucking amazing! she also makes fabulous covers, holla! 

So yeah, sorry for shitty chapter- I'll make up for it eventually. woooooooooot. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now