Treinta y uno

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- Kellin's P.O.V - 

"Whose a cute puppy? You are, yeah you are!" Tori spoke to Siren, not seeming to mind all of the rest of us in here, "Hey Jaime can we get a dog when we move in together?" Jaime shifted in his seat, making her realize what she'd just said, "I mean- turn up the radio that's my favorite song!" Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus- makes sense. 

Mike gave Jaime a knowing look, trying not to move as much seeing as Tony was currently sleeping on his shoulder, "You know what Jaime loves?" he directed his question towards Tori, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

Vic cleared his throat, "Obviously hair products, I mean, that hair is bitchin'!" he gave Mike a warning glance through the rear view mirror, saving Jaime from whatever would've happened if Mike had said what he was going to say. 

Tori chuckled, "Is is, isn't it?" she ruffled his hair, making his face scrunch up, "Sorry, it's just really a neatly styled fluff ball," 

Mike snorted, "Pubes. You just described pubes," though none of us had a chance to respond when the chorus of the song came on. 

"Cause I'm just a teenage dirt bag baby!" We all started singing at the same time, "Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirt bag baby!" a few of us headbanged, looking absolutely insane. 

Tony was startled awake, "Can you guys like shut the fuck up?" he groaned, 

We all shared looks, "I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden baby, come with me Friday, don't say maybe. I'm just a teenage dirt bag baby, like you," the way we all tried mimicking the voice only seemed to piss him off some more. 

"I can never just...sleep," he muttered, "Their's either someone fucking," he looked at me and Vic, "Someone singing," he looked at Jaime, "or someone just being weird," he looked at Tori. 

I turned a little, "What about Mike?" I asked, seeing as he'd not said something about him. 

"Nope, not Mike," he shook his head, "Mike's perfect, I love Mike." he mumbled, hugging Mike's arm a bit tighter. 

Mike shrugged, "Well. I am perfect," he stated cockily, "Fuck, I'm perfect." he nodded to himself. 

I rolled my eyes, "You just fucking ruined it." I sighed. 

"Look here you little shit-" 

So apparently Mike knew some dude by the name of Ben who had some available places here- it didn't take long for us to find an apartment. It was actually very nice. Was bigger than any apartment I'd ever laid eyes on. Though it was expensive. Not that that was such a big problem. We just had to wait for the moving dudes to bring us our stuff, unpack, organize, and holy shit this was beginning to sound very dreadful. 

I was about to unlock the door when Vic pulled me to the side, "Hey Kels," he smiled a little. 

"Hey Vic," I chuckled. He just looked at me for a while, "Why do you keep doing that?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. 

"Keep doing what?" he asked, seeming completely oblivious to his continuous stare. 

I bit my lip, "You're in the middle of like, telling me something, then you just stare." I stated it quickly. 

He grinned, "It's because you're just entirely amazing," I began shaking my head, "No, I mean it. You're the reason I wake up every morning- every second I spend with you is just...perfect." he chuckled nervously, "I guess I just love you- I love you a lot more than I would've ever expected." he shrugged, smiling sheepishly. 

I was about to speak when Jaime ran out, "The pizza is getting cold you dip fucks!" 

Way to ruin the moment, Jaime. 


This was completely just...I don't even know. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now