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- Vic's P.O.V - 

He just sat there for a while, trying to process what I'd just said before letting out a small chuckle, "You're not serious, are you?" he asked, his hopeful eyes making me want to change my mind as quick as I'd made it up. 

I nodded slowly, "One hundred percent serious." 

Another, long pause, "I'm not sure what you're implying here..." he mumbled, giving me a skeptical look. 

"I'm suggesting we break up and I move to San Diego," I blurted out

You could practically feel his whole world just crashing down, it genuinely looked as if I'd just told him something worse, something terrible had just happened- which I guess something terrible has just happened, "W-wha..Why?"  

"It's for the best." I answered vaguely, trying not to show any emotion whatsoever. I guess it was working out well since he hadn't noticed, or maybe he was too preoccupied on what was going on right now to even notice- either way, I think. 

I didn't mean to sound like a dick, but I mean, is there really any other way to put this? Not really. 

"Vic you're not breaking up with me and moving to fucking San Diego without a goddamn explanation!" I winced at the tone of his voice. 

I wasn't going to tell him to calm down, that would be pretty ridiculous, "I just think we need some time to sort ourselves out." I shrugged, moving my gaze downward. 

"Their's nothing to sort out Victor!" now, Kellin was capable of some really bad shit- like breaking stuff and whatnot, I rarely poked at this side though. We were just a happy couple, I guess. 

"Look Kellin," I rose my head up a little, "I think we really need this, alright. We can still be friends or whatever." asking someone you've just broken up with to be your fiend has always been really fucking idiotic in my opinion. I mean, why? 

I looked up just in time to see that his face had sort of scrunched up- he was angry. "Get out..." he mumbled, sounding equally frustrated, defeated. 

"We can s-" 

"Out." he raised his voice a little. 

I stood up, making my way out of the tension filled room- did I heck up? I definitely hecked up. 

"What's going on in there?" Mike asked, staring at me with wide eyes, the othes doing the same. 

I gave them all a fake smile, "Nothing, he's fine- we're fine." 

But were we really? 

"I still don't understand why we left the house..." Tori wondered out loud. 

Because Kellin was currently flipping shit, Tori, thanks for your concern. "Just thought we all needed some air." I muttered, running a hand through my hair. 

"All of us?" Tony asked. 

"All of us." I grinned. 

"What about Kellin?" Jaime spoke up. 

"Kellin's busy." I replied. 

Mike was giving me one of his, 'I know you're not telling me somethinglooks- I hated that he always knew things...Hated that a lot. "Vic, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked, catching everyones attention. 

"Sure..." I nodded slowly, following him out of everyones ear shot. 

He crossed his arms over his chest, giving me a stern look, "What's going on?" 

I already knew I couldn't bullshit my way through this, so, "I'm coming to San Diego with you guys!" I exclaimed, false enthusiasm dripping off of that single sentence- I should be saying we, but I always  manage to fuck shit up, don't I? 

"You're saying 'I'm', why are you saying 'I'm' that's one person?" his stern look intensified. (whoa, so intense) 

My hand reached up to rub at my eyes, "I broke up with Kellin." I'm pretty sure that later on today I'm going to regret this so bad and just cry for a whole goddamn millenium. That's just the kind of person I was- the late reactor. 

"You what!?" he exclaimed, "Why!?" 

"Well, uh- Katelynne-" I started, not really sure how to word this. 

"Katelynne? You're putting your trust in Katelynne?! After what she did! Vic, come on you're smarter than this." he gave me a disappointed look. 

"Let me finish!" I rolled my eyes, "I- she ran into me at the store and gave me a disk. Alright, a disk, big deal. So, she told me something a long the lines of me deserving to know, so I got into the car and listened to what was on the damn disk," I inhaled, "Kellin's straight." sure there was more, but that was all I was going to say. 

Mike laughed, "Vic- you two have been together for what? Three years now? Kellin's gay as fuck." 

"It was his voice, MIke, the voice I've been hearing for 'three years', the voice that will be permanently etched into my mind. I know what I heard." I frowned. 

"Has he conformed this?" he asked, sounding skeptical. 


"Well, let's go find out." 


what am I doing? sorry this is shit, I'm really tired. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now