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Face time with the dudes- and Tori, is probably the highlight of whenever we see each other on the bright little screens. We don't talk about anything in general though, just whatever comes to mind. Vic was chatting with them while sitting upside-down on the sofa, so I decided why the fuck not? "Hey look, it's Kellic!" Jaime screeched. 

I looked at Vic for help, but he just shrugged, "What the hell is a Kellic?" I voiced my thoughts. 

They all looked at each other, quietly debating who should tell us, "It's your ship name." Tony grinned. 

"You guys got us a ship?!" my eyes widened. Everyone just started laughing at my question, including Vic, I clearly didn't understand their humor. "What?" I groaned after a few seconds of them just wiping their eyes or whatever. 

Tori cleared her throat, "A ship is a pairing," she rubbed her chin, "Kellin plus Vic equals Kellic, do you not see what we did there? Dammit Kellin, get with the system!" her and the guys chuckled. 

Now I was embarrassed, "Oh." I mumbled, nodding slowly. 

Vic looked up at me with a sheepish smile, "Are you blushing?" he asked, winking mischievously. 

I held my hands up to my cheeks, the warmth radiating off of them immediately, "What? Psh, No!" I sunk further into the couch. 

Somehow Vic's broken the code and now I'm easily embarrassed by everything, plus I blush a lot, and people have noticed too. Whoever came up with blushing is an asshole, case closed. "Aw, Kellin's blushing!" Jaime gushed. 

Self defense mechanism while on Face Time, middle finger. It always works, well, it works because it's not like they can come running after me or something. "Good bye, fuckers." I sauntered off, Siren following me into the bedroom. I looked back at him, "May I help you?" 

He just sat there, tongue sticking out sloppily. 

Vic walked in after a few minutes of me just staring at my dog, he always seemed so guilty of something. "What are you doing?" he asked curiously. 

"I swear dogs are weird." I mumbled, looking away after a few short seconds, "What's up?" I asked, not quite meeting his gaze. 

He stayed quiet for a few, probably debating what words should come out of his mouth next, "Gas prices." right when the words left his mouth he broke out into uncontrollable fits of giggles, "Get it?" he laughed louder. I gave him my best unamused expression, just kind of- wondering how the hell I ended up with him. Not in a bad way, in a...thoughtful way? He stopped laughing, grabbing something off the nightstand- a flashlight, turning it on, and tossing it in my direction, "You need to lighten the fuck up." he laughed harder, if possible. 

"We should start unpacking." I interrupted him, looking at him sternly, my silent signal that he should...probably shut up now. 

He nodded quickly, wiping his eyes, "Yeah, yeah we should." he chuckled. 


The unpacking process was terribly long, that's actually an understatement. It was fucking hell. At first it was somewhat tolerable, but then after pulling out endless amounts of clothes I just got really tired. I don't even know why we need clothes- we've seen each other naked enough times to know what's down there. We could be nudists now or something, that wouldn't be a problem with me. "Hey Kells, can you get the box over there?" Vic called out, signaling towards the last box in the far end of the living room. I nodded, walking over to it. 

Books. It held so many fucking books and journals. They were all Vic's, he had a strong passion for reading, and writing, which is no surprise. I believe I picked out the geekiest dork in the herd of sheep. Oh my god that- just no. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now