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- VIc's P.O.V -

"No, I'm just saying- Narwhals are like the unicorns of the ocean. I mean, they have horns on their heads!" Jaime squeaked, seeming completely oblivious to everyone else. 

"Dude, their's no such thing as unicorns." Mike reasoned with him, stroking Tony's hair soothingly. 

Jaime scoffed, "Yeah, and Kellin doesn't suck Vic's dick every night." 

Kellin's head flew up, "Hey!" he scolded them, "What me and Vic do doesn't concern you guys." he eyed Jaime sternly.

Jaime averted his eyes to Tori's immediately, they started talking about whatever it is they always find so interesting. 

The whole 'moving to San Diego' thing was currently under discussion. Pros would be getting away from Katelynne and Cons would be...just moving in general. Sure we'd be closer to everyone, but Kellin would have to leave his friends behind and whatnot. I've sort of learned to work with the distance. 

"Those aren't all that great you know?" I instantly froze at the sound of Katelynne's voice, unsure of what to do. 

"Oh, it's you." I mumbled, quietly. If I've learned anything, it's to not mess with this bitch. Okay, maybe she's not a bitch- she could be nice underneath all of that. Whatever that is. 

She chuckled, nicely. "Well hello to you too, Vic." Why is she being so nice toward me? I thought she didn't like me. 

"What do you want?" I asked, reaching over for the pack of Sour patch Kids someone had asked for, I've already forgotten who. This whole cart was pretty much full of candy, chips, and drinks. Not the best way to spend money, but also not the worse. 

"What I can't shop here?" she retorted, causing me to give her a look. She rolled her eyes, reaching into her purse, "Look, I came over to give you this," a small disk was suddenly pulled out in front of me, I wasn't sure if I should take it or not..."Ugh, sure I've tried to sabotage your relationship multiple times...Like two, but this is real okay, I just think that what you're about to hear is important. You really deserve to see this Vic." her eyes held genuine sincerety, as if she were holding Kellin's death note or something. 

I inspected the round disk carefully, "Um, okay?" whatever's on this couldn't be that bad right? -

Wrong. Those were the two words no gay couple would ever want to hear their partner say. 

The two words that stabbed your heart harder than any other thing could. (idk man) 

How does that even happen? I mean, I'm not really sure what to do or think at the moment. What if I'm stopping Kellin from loving who he wants to love? Maybe he's caught feelings for a girl? I don't know- but I don't want to be the one holding him back. That's why I'm doing what I'm about to do. 

"I think I should move to San Diego." I stated firmly, trying not to give away the fact that I've been crying. 

He nodded, "Are you sure we should go? I mean, we just-" 

"No, Kellin- I think I  should move to San Diego..." he still looked somewhat confused, "Without you." I confirmed it. 


The end. 

Just kidding, but I really just did that. Whoa man, it feels awful. I'm sure I'll regret it once I get feedback though. Then maybe, just maybe I'll try to fix it. Probably not, depends. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now