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"You just gotta- you gotta get in the funk, ya know?" Siren didn't respond, not that I expected for him to- he's a dog. "Shake that ass, watch yourself!" I was showing off my hardcore white boy moves, "Shake that ass, show me whatchu working with!" I pranced into the living room, well, not before running into a few boxes.

I made my way onto our barely noticeable couch, my parents' definition of a 'housewarming' gift. Not that I was complaining, it was comfortable as fuck. A lot of stuff actually had to be done I just honestly did not feel like doing anything. If people were to drop by I'll just keep them in the less cluttered room- which just so happen to be the bathroom, but it'll work.

My eyes scanned the room until he spotted something they didn't really want to see, "You know, people don't usually shit on floors." I groaned, Siren just watched as perusal. "And when we do, we at least pick it up." I narrowed my eyes at him. He just did this head tilt. "If you were a human I would hate you." I muttered.

My phone pretty much startled me from my one sided conversation with my dog, the words 'Mikey' being lit up continuously, as annoying as it sounds. "Hello?" I spoke quickly, holding the cellphone up to my ear awkwardly.

"Hey, Kellin, sorry to bother you or whatever but Gee's babysitter never showed up, and-"

"I'm available." I cut him off, look Bandit's a great child and I'm in need of something to do as soon as possible. This may be my only chance to escape. (i voiced that extra dramatically in my head)

Mikey chuckled, "Alright sounds good, do you think you could drop by and pick her up?" he asked.

I nodded, forgetting that he obviously couldn't see me, "Yeah, sure give me..." I looked down at my barely clothed body, "Ten minutes?" plus the drive, "Twenty, actually." 

"Got it. See you in a few." he spoke quickly, the line going dead. 

Oh yeah, I'd been watching over Bandit from time to time, Gerard and Frank had some relatively busy schedules. Guess I'll let Vic know I'm headed out, wouldn't want him thinking I bailed on him after our first day here. It's pretty funny, we just moved in and we're already headed out. 

I held the phone up to my ear- again, "Hello Kell." Vic chuckled, I could make out his parents and Mike's voices in the background. 

"Hello Sexican." I got up off the couch, heading over into our cluttered room. 

He laughed, "Is everything alright?" 

"Yeah," I nodded, picking up a plaid shirt off of the floor and sniffed it, it'll do, "I'm going to pick up Bandit and uh, I'm not sure when I'll be back. Probably before noon." I glanced at the time. 

"Alright, I love you!" 

"I LOVE YOU TOO, KELL-BEAR!" I heard Mike yell, his voice a little more distant than Vic's. 

I chuckled, "I love you too Vic, and Mike!" I misplaced my foot, almost face-planting the floor, "Shit! Call you back later, bye!" I hun up, feeling the heat rising to my cheeks. I looked up at Siren, just staring at me intently. "What're you looking at?" I spat. 

I half expected for him to call me out on my shit, but he just sat there. I am loosing my mind. 


 "Yeah, I'll make sure to have her back by curfew." I joked, starting up the car again. 

Mikey just rolled his eyes, "Yeah whatever." he muttered, waving us off. 

I sighed, "Well, where do you wanna go?" the grin that usually appeared when she came around made its way onto my face. 

She shrugged, "Can we go to movies!" she decided, grinning wildly. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now