Doce, haha, oops

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Once I'd decided that my body needed more oxygen, I piped my head back out- I'd only lasted ten seconds underwater. Vic was still staring at me expectantly, a stern look on his face, "Come on," I shrugged, making a hand motion toward Mike and Tony, "It's pretty self explanatory." I finished of with an awkward, nervous smile. 

He sighed, nodding slowly, "That wasn't my question," he stated simply, the simplicity in his statement just made me all the more nervous. 

I groaned, "They weren't ready to come out yet, and well, Mike had my back when I came out to my friends- sure he didn't exactly wait until I was completely ready," I glared at Mike, "but still, I decided to wait it out with them," I shrugged. 

"Vic is wasn't his fault," Tony stood up, "I told him to keep it a secret, and uh, yeah," his blush could not get anymore prominent. Mike nodded in agreement. 

Vic quirked an eyebrow at Mike, "When were you thinking about telling me?" he thought for a while, his shoulders slumping after a few seconds. 

"Uh," Mike shrugged, "I don't know, but it wasn't going to be now- I was nervous, don't look at me like that." he raised up his hands defensively, "You gotta understand Vic, I just wasn't ready to be completely gay yet," he mumbled, biting his lip nervously. 

"How long has this been going on?" Vic asked suddenly, keeping eye contact with his younger- yet taller brother. 

Mike thought for a couple of seconds, "...How long have I been living with you?" he asked Tony.

"Mike!" Vic whined, "Two fucking years?! Jesus Christ," he mumbled disappointingly. 

Some awkward tension just happened to grow, "So, is everyone gay here?" Jack asked suddenly, looking around awkwardly. 

Jaime shook his head, "Me and Tori are still pure," Tori nodded quickly, "Hell yeah we are!" they went in for an awkward water-five? Mostly because Tori was too short to walk over to where Jaime was stood, she was very short. 

"Well," I started, "We should get going now, shouldn't we?" I looked around, most nodded- others stayed silent. It was getting dark, plus Alex was supposed to be getting back sometime soon, "Pizza?" this, got everyone's attention, "Let's go comrades!" 

 I began to lead my small army of awkward walkers out of the water, it's quite difficult to walk in water. 

"Is it alright if Alex stops by?" Jack asked me, tilting his head in an awkward angle to get a better look at me. 

I raised my eyebrow, "'S long as he buys his own pizza." I mumbled, taking another huge bite of the cheesy deliciousness. 

"Well then," he muttered under his breath, going on to text Alex again. 

We sat there in silence, "Hey, whatever happened to Rian and Zack?" I asked after a few seconds. 

"Rian's pregnant," Jack shrugged, laughing a little while after, "Well, he's not pregnant- you know," he laughed again. 

"What?" I asked, obnoxiously extending the 'a', Rian's a cool dude, but I'd never imagined him having sex. It is normal to imagine what people look like during sex, right? 

"That's pretty weird to ask, Kellin." Vic muttered, walking out of the hallway, Mike following close behind. 

Holy shit, did I say that out loud? "I don't know what you're talking about," I shrugged, feeling my cheeks go warm- "I mean, yeah, what are you talking about, VIc?" 

He rolled his eyes, "You suck," his left hand came up to flick my face, causing a small whimper to escape my lips. 

"You're a dill hole," I muttered. 

He nodded, adding a little shrug, "But I'm your dill hole," he chuckled. 

 "Dipshit." I mumbled, not looking up, even when a little gay gasp came out of his mouth. 

"You know what?" he spoke, not waiting for me to answer, "Go suck a dick." he threw the words at me simply, shoving my arm in an attempt to seem angry. 

I smiled smugly, "I'll suck your dick," 

He grinned, "Really?" his eyes lit up at the thought. 



what am I even writing? I've actually got a new fic idea but I don't think I should write it, oh decisions, decisions. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now