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- Kellin's P.O.V -

Tori's eyes widened in realization, "The one time I try to do something nice...." she muttered, shaking her head disappointingly. 

I blinked a couple of times, she hadn't changed at all. Like, really. "Um, what are you doing here?" I asked, my words coming out a bit harsher than I intended them to, what do you expect? Surely not for me to forgive her- even though it has been two years. Fucking, dammit. 

She looked over at Tori who just forced her eyes shut, "I really wish it would've been a fuzzy bunny," she mumbled, opening her eyes, "I was walking around the trees and stuff, heard someone behind me, turned around, saw a strange looking human- appearance wise, talked to the human, offered to bring them so they can get cleaned up, bam now we're here." she spoke quickly, inhaling deeply afterwards, "I probably should've asked her for her name first..." 

I gave her a 'no shit'' look, to which she responded by smiling sheepishly, "Well, um, let her go get cleaned up," I mumbled, not making eye contact with Katelynne. I don't hate her, I just don't feel very comfortable around her- she's letting off some bad vibes. 

Tori nodded, disappearing into the hallway with Katelynne. I felt Vic's grip tighten on my hand, "That was...unexpected," he heaved, I nodded in agreement. 

Jaime made a 'tsk' sound from the other side of the room, "She doesn't look like the type of person to sabotage a relationship," he thought for a while, "I mean, underneath all that other stuff she actually looks like she'd climb a tree and save a kitten or something like that." he added. 

Mike, Alex, Vic, Jack, and I had to laugh at that one, Tony and Jaime just gave us quizzical looks, not really understanding the humor in the situation, "Don't judge a book by its cover," Mike chuckled, "You think you're picking up some childrens book, but it ends up being 50 Shades of Gray." 

I quirked an eyebrow at him, "That...doesn't make sense." 

 "Exactly." he nodded to himself, looking extremely proud of his words. 

"Hey Kellin," Tori spoke, finally coming into view, I nodded in her direction, letting her know she had my attention, "Can she borrow some of your clothes? I mean, I'd lend her some of mine, but I don't think It'll fit." she shifted awkwardly under all of our gazes. 

I nodded, "Be right back," I excused myself, walking off into the room. She was already in there, obviously, waiting for me to come in. When her eyes landed on me her whole face brightened up, "Hey Kells," she grinned. 

"Katelynne," I greeted, she just continued grinning at me, as if I were her long lost son or something, it was creepy, "Do you just want whatever, or..." I trailed off, walking over to the dresser. 

She stood up, "Anything that's yours is fine," her voice sounded different- and I was having trouble deciding whether it was the bad different or the good different, "I mean, I wouldn't wanna be wearing anything that your faggy boyfriend has worn." 

Bad different. Holy shit. "Excuse me?" I turned on my heel, getting a clear sight of her smirk. 

"You heard me," she spoke softly, tilting her head to the side, "Do I have to repeat myself, Kellin?" 

I'd honestly thought she'd gotten over this, whatever this was, "Katelynne do you even know what the fuck you're talking about?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. No reason to be a chicken here, right? She's just a girl...a very powerful girl. 

We both had some type of stare down, until she decided to walk over to the door, and close it, this space was now feeling more intense. The intensity kept coming at me, hitting me harder as she walked closer, "You should know what I'm talking about," she purred, "I believe we have some unfinished business, no?" 

"Our business never started." I tried stepping up my game, I can't let her know that I'm vulnerable, that'll just hype her up even more. Even though I'm pretty sure I've just shit my pants. 

She chuckled dryly, "Come on Kellin, it hasn't been that long." she whispered. 

My face went pale, "It's been two years, get over it." I'm pretty sure my voice was wavering by the end of that sentence, causing her smirk to get bigger. 

"No, it's only been..." she checked the time, "About three hours." 

Her statement shocked me, "How could it have been three hours? We haven't even-" 

"I've been observing you, Kells." the nickname did not sound so great coming out of her mouth. 

'Observing', what the hell is that supposed to mean? You observe lab rats, projects, not people! "Have you been...stalking me?" I asked, my voice quieting down a little. 

"Observing." she corrected. (I observe band members) 

"You're fucking crazy!" I shouted, feeling a hard sting on my left cheek, had she just slapped me? What the hell is even going on? 

She glared at me, "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." her hand reached up to caress my cheek, "You should've just given me a chance in High School, Kells. If you'd only just let me in we wouldn't have had this problem now, would we?" her voice came out as a snarl, making me flinch back. 

Was I supposed to respond or stay quiet? The thing is that I could easily yell for help, I mean, everyone's just about a room away, would they hear me? I opened my mouth to yell out- because what do I have to lose? Except, I was greeted by someones lips against mine. Goddammit. 

Since my mouth was already opened she easily slipped her tongue in, paying no attention to my hands that were currently trying to push her away, to no avail. The kiss was pretty much one sided, which just made it feel extremely awkward, and just fucking wrong on my end. 

She finally pulled away, giving me one last look, "Mind giving me those clothes now?" she batted her eyelashes in attempt to look cute. I only see her as a psycho path- no biggie. I handed the clothes to her with shaky hands, watching her pull them out of my grasp. Her right hand went up to wipe at her cheek- the "bruise" smearing a little. She was good, she was really good, "Alright, I'm gonna change...You wanna watch, or...?" she trailed off suggestively. 

I took the time to sprint out of the room as quickly as possible, almost falling on my face once I reached the living room, everyone turned, "What took you so long?" Vic asked, with a chuckle. 



whoops. this was written terribly and I apologize for that. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now