Dieciocho (did i spell that right?)

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- Kellin's P.O.V - 

By the time I was able to sort my shit out, it had become dark out. All thoughts of being straight had been thrown out the window, I mean, what straight dude knows how to pop, lock, and drop it like me? 


Plus, girls have cooties, and I'm too fab for cooties. Fab? More like fag! Haha, see what I did there? 

I walked in quietly, expecting for everyone to be asleep, but no. They were all huddled up in the living room watching a movie- something I'd noticed they do a lot. The first to look up was Tori, giving me a warm smile, which I returned reluctantly. Mike looked up next, his face- not as welcoming as Tori's, "Kellin." he greeted, bitterly, the other's turned, their expressions matching Mike's. 

"Um," I scratched the back of my neck, "Where's Vic?" I shouldn't feel this uncomfortable in my own home. This is sad. 

Mike scoffed, opening his mouth to say something, Tori caught on, "He's in the room," she responded quickly, "Been in there all day." 

"Yeah, I wonder why." Mike muttered, turning his gaze back to the tv. 

I nodded stiffly, "Thanks." 

The walk to the room sort of felt like a life or death experience. I've decided to tell Vic what happened between me and Katelynne, then come up with some bullshit excuse for my behavior. I mean, I'm about 100% positive that telling him I was having doubts about our relationship would just set him on edge. I inhaled deeply, it's now or never, right? I waited for some mental response for some reason, killing time probably. I'm pretty nervous. 

I opened the door quietly, "Vic?" he wasn't on the bed, so I walked further in, into the bathroom, "Babe?" I called out, he wasn't there either. I stepped out, walking to the foot of the bed and getting down on my knees (whoa kellin), using my arms to steady myself from falling on my stomach completely, tilting my head in an odd angle, sure enough he was there- under the bed, "Hey Vic," my eyebrows furrowed together. 

He only went under beds when he was angry or really sad. It was kind of creepy, ya know? Watching a grown man crawl under his bed at any given moment. Actually, this one time he went down there, but I didn't know so, like, he scared the- not the point.

I somehow managed to crawl in, well not crawl- more like drag myself, because it was pretty cramped down here. As I got closer, the tears running down Vic's face became more prominent, he was biting his lip roughly, trying not to make any sounds whatsoever, "Vic?" I reached over to comfort him. 

All he did was turn away from me, which was pretty difficult, considering the amount of space we had, "Go away." he croaked. 

"What's wrong?" I asked with a frown, surely my assholenish didn't upset him this much. I hope not. 

He chuckled bitterly, "Like you don't fucking know." was all he mumbled. 

"Look, I'm sorry for being an asshole today. I just- well-" 

"You kissed Katelynne, yeah I know." It sounded like it hurt him to actually say the words kissed and another persons name, well, obviously. 

I chuckled a little, "You heard that?" 

He turned back to look at me, clearly angry, "You think it's funny?" he scowled. 

"Well, no, but it's kind of messed up that you jumped to assumptions so quickly though." I reasoned, shrugging. 

"I heard you talking to Tori, I'm not jumping to any assumptions," by now he'd managed to turn his whole body in my direction. 

We couldn't exactly see each other- just a little bit, but not really, "Oh," It clicked, "If you'd eavesdropped a few more minutes you'd have learned that Katelynne had in fact kissed me, completely one sided, and uh, yeah." 

"But you said that-" he began, looking at me skeptically. 

"Yeah I know what I said, and I was completely bullshitting for some stupid reason...." I reached over, putting my hand on his shoulder, it ended up getting squished between the bed and his shoulder, but whatever. 

He sighed, "Alright, so...anything else you need to tell me, now's the time?" he asked cautiously. 

'I was second guessing my sexuality', "Nope, just that, I think. Oh and um, apparently she's been, like, watching us-" 

"She's been what!?" he whisper yelled, why? I don't know. 

"I don't know, something about 'observing' me..." I trailed off, visibly cringing. 

Vic's eyebrows furrowed together, "We need to call the police." he stated, not suggested- stated. 

I shrugged, "I don't know, what's the worse she can do?" I challenged. 

"Drug you, kidnap you, murder you, kiss you-" he started naming things quickly. 

"Alright, alright, I get it." I chuckled, "Let's explain to the others and see what they think we should do," 

"K." he answered bluntly, manuvoring out from under the bed. (like a snail, woo) 

"I'm sorry, but I can't." Tori sighed, speaking to Jaime in a confined area...well, I could clearly see and hear them, but they hadn't noticed me, so...

Jaime sighed, "Why not?" 

"Because, I'm in a long distance relationship..." she mumbled, tearing her gaze away from Jaime. 

Jaime looked down, whatever they're talking about must be important, "W-with who?" he asked cautiously. 

"With Jesus." she made a stupid pose, both palms facing upwards toward the roof, what a fucking idiot. 

They both burst out laughing skeptically, I even chuckled a little, "So..." 

"So..." she murmured awkwardly. 

"Will you..." he started off again, fumbling with his t-shirt collar. 

"Yeah, yeah, I will." she grinned, throwing herself at him for a hug, until she spotted md, "Kellin fucking Quinn." she shook her head. 

Jaime turned around aswell, not looking as pleased to see me at all, "Kellin." he shrugged. 

"Uh, well- just come with me dammit." 

"That's it, I'm really killing her this time, fuck the law." Tori stood up, going over to her bag for something. 

My eyes widened, "What's in there?" 

"Deorderant," she looked back at us, "You didn't think I was going to murder someone smelling like shit did you?" 

We all just looked at her for a little while, "There is another way you could get away from phsyco bitch Katelynne...." Mike spoke up, no longer angry at me. 

"Oh really? How?" Vic asked, lacing his fingers with mine, I squeezed his hands lightly. 

Mike scracthed the back of his neck, "You two could move back to San Diego," he suggested it cautiously. 


I'll try to add more fluffy chapters because I don't believe I have in quite some time, haha. 

Taime is happening, woah. 

Oh  as for moving them over to San Diego I don't know, I mean, they did just move in here...so, I'm stll undecided, opinions young fellas? 

PS: Their arguements don't last long because I suck at being angry at people so, like, I don't know man...the drama does not end here though..muahahahahahahah *chokes on saliva*

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