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- Kellin's P.O.V - 

"What happened?" I groaned, shielding my eyes as soon as they came in contact with the light. 

"You got beaten up by a bunch of girls," Jaime snickered, holding back his laughter. 

Tori rolled her eyes, "Some inconsiderate douche ma bobs kicked your ass," she corrected. 

"Thanks Tori, that sounds a lot better." I spoke with pure sarcasm, "Where's Vic?" I asked after a few seconds of Tori giving me a look. 

They all looked around, silently debating who would speak, "Um, he and Mike went to go sort some things out..." Tony mumbled, I'd just noticed Mike wasn't here either. 

"What stuff?" I asked, not really sure what they were implying here, being all secretive and shit. 

"We don't know," Tony cut Jaime off from opening his mouth. 

I'm guessing they don't want me to know yet, or...whatever. I turned my head to look at the time, my eyes widening, "Turn on the TV, Dr. Phil is on!" I screetched, clutching a pillow onto my chest quickly. 

They all gave me odd looks, but complied anyway- what can I say? I need some Dr. Phil in my system. 

- Vic's P.O.V - 

"Look, we're not going to kidnap you or anything- we just want you and Kellin to sort your shit out and move on with your lives. We're tired of all of these surprises, and well, that shit your friends pulled last night was totally uncalled for," it was taking everything in me not to beat the shit out of her right now...which I probably should- but, no. 

She sighed, "I didn't tell them to do that- they were just being good friends, that's all, any-" 

"Good friends?" Mike scoffed, "Good friends comfort you, not beat the shit out of the guy who never even wanted you in the first place," as an early hater of Katelynne's he already knew what was up, while I was still trying to process what her motives were. 

Katelynne glared at Mike, the glare was obviously returned, I rolled my eyes, "Look, I know that what I've been doing is wrong- but I just feel like he deserves it." she batted her eyelashes. 

"Kellin does not deserve any of that, sure he could be a little shit sometimes, but he's one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Of course, you wouldn't know that," I shrugged, "I just want you two to work things out and that's it, you know? Before we move," 

She looked up quickly, "Where are you guys moving to?" 

Mike heaved, "That's for us to know, and you to never find out," his exasperated tone made her groan. 

"Fine. I'll go." 

- Kellin's P.O.V - 

"Vic, no! What are you doing!?" I exclaimed, watching him walk over to the TV and just turn it off. It was just getting to that interesting part of the show, where he tells them what to do and all hell breaks loose. It's like a calmer Jerry Springer. 

He sighed, "Come on, you can watch it later," his eyes held this pleading look- how could I say no to that? 

"Fine," I bit my lip, "I'll go if you let me watch the marathon of Dr. Phil later on today," that wasmy compromise. 

His eyes widened, "Kellin you've watched all of the episodes already!" 

I shrugged, "It's that or nothing," 

"Come on," he groaned, helping me up and out of the room. 

I stopped walking immediatly once I laid eyes on the other person in the room, "What the fuckery?" 


Filler, I guess? Hm, I'm starting a new fic soon, it's already up, go check it out, it's called ' Picking Up The Pieces' should start working on that soon. 

Sorry for shitty chapter I'm just so tired. x-x

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