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- Mike's P.O.V - 

My brother is pretty much the biggest fucking idiot ever, alright, maybe not the biggest, but still. He was somewhat a moron, in a college student type way. Alright, he was smart as fuck- just not in the way that would help in situations such as these. He was currently sitting next to me in the car, slumped down angrily, "He's going to think I don't trust him." he muttered. 

I scoffed, "Well, you technically don't-" Vic scowled, "Look, you should've gone to him first and just worked shit out- I know that's not something you'd usually do, but holy shit Vic, you just ruined a perfect thing." I believe ot was my job to kind of just sort this shit out, before it gets out of hand....

Too late. "Dude, did we miss a fucking tornado?!" there was stuff every where. Literally. 

"Excuse the mess it made." Vic shrugged, as if he'd seen this happen many times before- I really need to ask him about this. He went on walking into their room, which was a lot messier than all of the others, "Hey, uh, I have something to ask you...." Vic spoke to a clearly pissed off, distressed Kellin. 

Kellin looked up with narrowed eyes, "Need a plane ticket to get to San Diego? or should I just start packing for you? he asked bitterly. Vic didn't even answer his question, settling for just scoffing and walking over to his somehow untouched desk, I'm guessing that's where he stored all his nerd shit, pulling out a CD sleeve. Kellin's head perked up at the sight of the small brown thing, "What's that?" he asked, sounding interested, but still plainly pissed off. 

"So, I was at the store earlier today when I- well, Katelynne 'ran into' me," he gave Kellin a look when he noticed him opening his mouth, Kellin closed it quickly, "I was pretty curious, so I gave it a listen. Um, in it, it's your voice and Matty's? I'm not sure, but you kind of said that you were straight....?" Vic frowned towards the end of his sentence, "I mean, I just want to know if you really said this or not.." he mumbled, sounding sad. 

"I did." Kellin spoke quietly. 

"I told you!" I grinned at Vic, my grin faltering once I'd realized what he said, "Wait, you what?" 

"I did say that, but I'm not sure, it was stupid and I'm one hundred percent in love with you Vic, I don't even know why..." he trailed off, pulling at his hair anxiously. 

Vic heaved disappointingly, "If you really did you wouldn't have had any doubts." he muttered, Kellin was about to speak, but Vic beat him to it, "I'm still leaving." 

My eyes widened, "What?" 

"I just don't feel like I should be here anymore, we're already broken up..." a strand of hair fell to his face. 

Kellin looked up with panicked eyes, "You don't have to leave," 

Then something clicked in my head, "Wait Kellin, aren't you like, bisexual?" 

He looked up, "I'm not sure..." 

"Yeah! Remember, when you came out to your friends you were like 'Hey guys, I'm bisexual!' then like, yeah!" I made a lame attempt at sounding like him. 

"Um, what's that have to do with anything?" he asked. 

I rolled my eyes, "Your mind was probably playing tricks on you, making you talk out of your ass." I chuckled, "You see- when it comes to Vic you're gay as fuck, but for whatever reason you've forgotten your goddamn sexuality, like, how does that even happen? and now we're stuck in this fucking rut," I made a lot of hand gestures. 

Vic sighed, "If this is some bullshit excuse for you to fix all of the pieces Mike, it's not going to work- who the fuck forgets their sexuality!?" 

"Kellin!" I argued back quickly, "Kellin forgets his sexuality because he's a dumb ass!" 

"Hey!" Kellin spoke up. 

"Oh come on, you're both dumb asses for just letting something like this ruin your relationship, especially you, Vic. You always run away from all of your problems- you know what you're doing right now? You're letting Katelynne win. She's finally accomplished what she's been trying to accomplish in the past two, three years." I scolded them. 

Vic heaved again, "I'm going to go pick up Tori and the guys, I've already made up my mind Mike, you can now fuck off." 

He left before I was able to speak back, I turned my attention to Kellin, "You and me, we really need to fix" 

Kellin nodded quickly, still looking exhausted as ever. 


ooooooooooooOOOooooOO. So I did put like two song refrences in there, one being a Frank Ocean one, whaaaat. 

Um, I've actually been trying to think of a way to end this since it will be over pretty soon- sorry, so, yeah? 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now