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- Kellin's P.O.V - 

"Alright, so pinks, blues, yellows, blacks, and greens," I pointed towards a different bin after each color. 

Jaime looked from me, to the bins, then back to me before settling for just shoving everything- everywhere, "Like that?" he asked. 

I looked at the mixed colors in all the wrong bins, "Goddammit Jaime," I muttered, shaking my head angrily, "If you didn't wanna help, you could've just said so!" I exasperated, picking out all of the color pencils. 

"Well, I'm sorry," he groaned, tilting his head to the side, "Is that a hickey on your neck?" he poked it for good measure. 

I swatted his hand away quickly, "No...It's a, uh- it's a mosquito bite," I nodded stiffly, holding my head up high- which just exposed it more. 

"That's totally a hickey!" he exclaimed, jumping up and down like a moron. 

Vic decided to chime in at that exact moment, "What's a hickey?" he asked, moving over to the other side of the room to set down some color pallets. 

Jaime shot him a wink, "Didn't know you had it in you," he gushed. 

I groaned, "Shut. Up. Jaime." 

he just laughed, leaving the room- not so quietly. 

I just blinked, going back to organizing my colored pencils, everyone keeps telling me it's unnecessary since they're just going to get all mixed up again, but I will not sleep until these are all color coordinated, don't question me, "Where's Tori?" I asked after a few moments of us just awkwardly arranging stuff. Last minute stuff. 

"She went for a walk earlier today..." he shrugged, tugging on his bottom lip in concentration. 

I nodded, "What if she gets lost?" pretty stupid question, well, not really since it's pretty much possible. 

"I'm pretty positive that won't happen, love." he assured me, not looking up quite yet. We sound like an old couple. 

- Tori's P.O.V -

 In the few hours that I've been out, I've managed to get torn skinny jeans, frizzy hair, and mud on my shoes- it hasn't even rained in like a month so I'm not really sure how that came to be. The outdoors hate me. 

I continued following the trail of leaves, which weren't really a trail, they were just scattered all over the ground, up to no where. You know when you really wanna do something, but you have no motivation or will to do it? Well, that's kind of like me twenty-four seven. The only reason I'm out now, and not online or something is because my internet connection happens to suck here in Michigan, and Kellic has not installed wireless internet into their home. I could've just slept if it wasn't for Jacks surprisingly attractive boyfriend Alex, had stopped making stupid space jokes no one understood. Whatever. I reached for my back pocket, pulling out a cigarette and my lucky lighter, bad habit. I know. 

Right when I was about to light it I was able to hear some leaves crunching (i hate this word, jfc) behind me, not too close, yet not too far. At this point I was thinking three things: Murderer, Normal Person, Fuzzy Bunny. The last one being what I was hoping for. Now, I'm a good person and all, but I really don't do well with socializing with others...? Unless I'm really comfortable with them, something my dad had told me wasn't very good for me. But, being the curious person I am, I turned around, not expecting what I saw. 

A girl, a few inches taller than me, skinny, black hair...sounds pretty normal. Well, if you don't take in the fact that she had a bloody nose, black eye, and a few bruises on her face. No, this wasn't Bloody Mary- that was my first thought, the second was just 'walk away, not your problem,' but I'm no asshole, "Are you okay?" I asked, cautiously. Ever heard of that creepy pasta of the pretty girl with a beat up face that asks you if she's pretty and like, if you say no she'll kill you, but if you say yes, she'll still kill you? Kind of felt like I was in that situation right now. I needa stay of that website. 

She flinched, looking up quickly, "Yeah, yeah," she stammered, looking away as soon as her eyes met mine. Some stupid trait I've noticed people do when they're lying. 

"Uh..." I scratched the back of my neck, unsure of how to handle this situation, "We should get you cleaned up, cause, um..." I trailed off, using my right hand to motion at my face. 

She shook her head, "No it's fine, I'm fine." 

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, I'll get you cleaned up, and we don't ever have to speak again. I don't think it's such a good idea to walk around as if you-" I began just talking absentmindedly. 

"Okay," she spoke quietly, not taking her eyes off her shoes. 

"Okay?" this was some John Green shit. 

She nodded, "Yeah, wouldn't be the best idea to walk around like an abused-" 

"Hooker?" I spoke without thinking, my eyes widening immediately, "Holy shit I didn't mean that. Oh my god that was a dick move," I mumbled, shaking my head frantically, stopping when I heard her chuckle. 

"It's alright, I do kind of look like an abused hooker, don't I?" she motioned toward her messed up clothes. 

I shrugged, "I don't know about Michigan, but in San Diego our abused hookers are pretty clean." I reasoned, "Come on now, let's go. 

We stopped walking once we'd gotten in front of Kellin's door, I turned to look at her, "There is a few other people in there," I waited for a reaction, seeing as I had just waited all last minute to inform her about this. 

"Yeah, I kno- it's okay," she corrected herself. 

I raised an eyebrow at her little mistake, but continued talking nonetheless, "So, I'll just get you cleaned up and see what happens from there." 

She nodded, taking in her surroundings. 

I opened the door, not bothering to knock, as soon as I did everyone's eyes fell on us, "Hey, before you start bitching-" 



Did you see that coming? Probably because I'm not very good at being secretive, haha, oh whale. 

Tori's parts are literally me just writing things I think about on a daily basis, so excuse her. So her and Jaime, huh? *suggestive unnatractive wink bc creep* 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now