Treinta y Dos (FINAL)

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- Jaime's P.O.V - 

"Viiiiicky!" I called out, picking the couch cushions off of the couch. Wait, why would she be down there? "If you don't come out right now I'm going to-" I started off, unsure of what I was even going to do. 

Her head popped out from one of the cupboards, "Whatchu gonna do about it, huh punk?" she chuckled, not quite making any move to get out from under there. 

"I'm gonna..." I looked around the room, "Um," she game me an expectant look, "I'll leave." Was I actually leaving? Nah. 

Her eyes widened, in a split second she was out of the cupboard, wrapping her small arms around my frame, I couldn't even move my arms, "You will not." she stated simply. 

"And what if I do?" I challenged, looking down at her, though all that was there was her hair- she was short. 

A groan escaped her lips, "Don't be difficult, or I will kick you out," she stated, a triumphant smile sneaking its way onto her face. 

My head tilted slightly, my eyebrow furrowing, "So, either way I'm leaving?" I asked quietly, thinking things through. 

"No," she spoke quickly, "I mean, I don't think so- no, stay." she stared off for a few seconds, "Well," she sighed. 

I eyed her as she walked away, slumping down onto the sofa, reaching over onto the coffee table for a journal and her pencil, "What are you doing?" I asked, following suit. 

"I am..." she trailed off, scribbling onto the journal- neatly, "I'm doing something," she nodded to herself, biting on her bottom lip in concentration, "Here," she spoke up after a few seconds, holding the journal out to me with a grin on her face. 

My eyes scanned the page- many sticks everywhere, "What's this?" I asked cautiously, trying to make something out of the sticks, lines, drawn on the paper. 

She moved over next to me, "That's a blanket," she pointed at one of the sticks, "Those are pillows," she pointed at another group of sticks, "Entrance," yet another group of sticks, "Oh and my cellphone, can't forget that," she pointed at a perfectly detailed iPhone, sitting right next to another pile of sticks. An expectant look was thrown my way. 

 " now we're beavers?" I asked, referring to the mass amount of sticks. 

She scoffed, "No, Jaime. It's a blanket fort!" the cheeky smile she was giving me pretty much let me know she'd been looking forward to it- how could I say no? 

"Like children?" I asked, not disagreeing with her idea, blanket forts were cool as fuck. 

A look crossed her face for a second, "Yeah I guess so," she agreed, "Grown up children who have nothing better to do, that sounds fucking fantastic!" I shrugged, going over to get a few blankets, pillows, and just- anything I could lay my eyes on that seemed important. Meanwhile Tori wrestled with a blanket, at least that's what it looked like. "Hey look, I'm a worm!" she exclaimed, standing up, hopping around the living room wrapped in a large blanket- "Woo!" Now, I'm not sure how, or what even happened, but in the middle of jumping around she fell right onto the floor, "Ah fuck." she muttered, squirming around, trying to get up. 

It took me a while to stop snickering until I realized that I should probably go help her up- the coffee table had other ideas, though..."Fuck!" I practically screamed at the top of my lungs, the only thing worse than stepping on a LEGO is stubbing your toe, and possibly dying- I wouldn't know. 

She looked up at me, "We really need to get some bubble wrap or some shit," I nodded quickly, biting my lip so I wouldn't cry- yeah I wanted to cry, that fucking thing hurts. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now