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- Vic's P.O.V - 

Jaime and Tori were sitting across from each other at the table, "You're a real asshole, you know that?" Tori chuckled, pulling the tip of her spoon back, then letting it go, the milk splatting onto Jaime.

"Aw what the hell?! My hair!" Jaime shrieked, "Do you not understand how hard it is to prefect, this?" he made a little hand motion toward his hair. 

Tori rolled her eyes, repeating what she did seconds ago with a smirk, "How you like them apples?" she retorted, getting up and running away as soon as she noticed Jaime reach for his spoon. 

I rolled my eyes at the scene, returning  to the cup of coffee in front of me- Tori and Jaime were the only two single one's in the group...put them together and... JORI or TAIME. I just made a ship name! Does that make me pro-gay? Is that a thing? It is now. My attention was brought back to present time when I felt someones hand reach over to the coffee brewer, I identified the pale hand as Kellins, "Hello love," I greeted him, turning my head to the side. 

He didn't look up from his mug, making sure the stuff was warm before just walking away without a word. 

A frown fell upon my face, he's been acting all weird ever since yesterday. I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not? I mean, this usually goes the other way around. Maybe he's just trying to recollect his thoughts or something? 

Yeah, that should be it. 

Pushing the thought aside I walked over to where he was sitting, wrapping my arm around his shoulders.Though Kellin wasn't so fond of the idea, immediately shrugging my arm off, not even giving me any of his attention whatsoever. "You alright?" good enough question, I think. 

He shrugged in response, "I'm fine." he mumbled, getting up off the couch and walking back into the kitchen, leaving his full cup of coffee in the sink. 

"You sure?" I pushed it, had I done something wrong? What am I missing here? 

 He just sighed with a roll of his eyes, "Yes, Vic. Everything's fine. Now would you please fuck off." 

My eyes widened at his response, I was about to speak when Mike did for me, "Don't talk to him like that," he snapped. 

When did Mike get here? "Or what? You gonna punch me in the face?" Kellin retorted with a smirk, shaking his head and walking away. 

Tori and Jaime's soaked head walked in moments after Kellin left, "What' up with him?" Jaime asked, little droplets of milk flying around everywhere when he made a little head motion toward Kellin's direction. 

Mike looked at me, not really knowing what the problem was. I shrugged, because I honestly had no idea what was going on with him either, "Kellin's being a dick to Vic." Mike spoke up, not giving me a chance to speak before opening his mouth again, "Don't even try to deny it Vic," he threatened, picking up Kellin's coffee mug and taking a sip. 

"Why?" Tori asked, seeming somewhat interested in the conversation. 

I shrugged again, "I don't know." 

 - Tori's P.O.V - 

"You need to stop being a little fuckboy bitch," I confronted Kellin, finally. He's been acting all bitchy towards all of us, why? I'm about to find out- or try to. 

Kellin looked up at me, his eyes full of amusement, "Or what?" he challeneged, knowing perfectly well I'd have nothing to backfire. 

God, fuck me. "Or...or, there is no or! Just stop being a little.fuckboy.bitch." I retorted, not really sure where this was going. 

He sighed reluctantly, "I kissed Katelynne." was all he managed to say. 

"You kissed her or she kissed you?" I asked, moving a tiny bit closer...

"We kissed eachother." he clarified, not seeming sure about it at all. 

- Vic's P.O.V - 

"I kissed Katelynne." 


was feelin' the need to update and Kellin's bullshitting. even though she did kiss him? whatever, just, yeah. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now