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- Kellin's P.O.V -

"Wake up, babe." I opened my eyes, quickly closing them back up once the sunlight hit my pupils. "Wake up, love." Vic repeated. His morning voice was amazing, all husky and all. 

I smiled, but kept my eyes shut. 

"I know you're awake, I can see you smiling." I could actually hear his smile, strangely enough. 

A chuckle escaped my lips, I turned around so my back was facing his direction. 

"Babe, come on." Vic sighed, growing impatient. He started trailing kisses from my jaw, down my neck, all the way to my shoulders, "Kells, come on, give me a kiss." he sounded like a little kid begging for ice-cream money. 

I chuckled to myself, still pretending to be in deep sleep. 

Suddenly he slipped his hand over to my stomach, rubbing small circles with his index finger. His sudden touch making me shiver, "Babe, wake up." he continued. 

I finally decided it was enough, flipping over and smirking at him. "Finally," he sighed and laughed. I gave him a kiss on the lips, "You can be really annoying sometimes, you know that?" I chuckled. 

He smiled sheepishly, "I know," he nodded, "I just really wanted a kiss." he pouted playfully, moving a stray strand of hair out of my face. "Let's stay in bed for a while, I want to cuddle with you." his eyes brightened up. 

"You could've cuddled with me while I was asleep, you know?" I narrowed my eyes at him in mock anger. I mean, I could go without sleep if it meant being by his side. 

"It's not the same." he shrugged, looking as if he didn't even know what he just said meant. "Way to ruin the moment, Kells." he chuckled, nudging my nose with his. 

My hand moved up to his toned bicep involuntarily, "Sorry," I looked around the room, unpacked boxes everywhere and sighed, "You know, I could get used to this whole, 'waking up next to your obnoxious boyfriend every morning' thing." I mumbled, reaching for my phone and looking at the time, "Then reminding you that you have to be at your parents house in about...ten minutes." 

His eyes widened up a bit, "What?" he asked, I showed him my screen, all he did was scramble out of the bed. Almost tripping over the loose bed sheets that were pooling at his feet, "Shit!" he muttered angrily. 

This was quite amusing, "Well diddly doo, hurry the fuck up foo." goddammit did I just say that? 

Vic stopped moving and looked over at me with a 'are you serious?' expression on his face, "Where did that come from?" he asked, suppressing his laughter I bet. 

"Eight minutes!" I ignored his question. He glared at me, going to hop out of his plaid pajamas. I was getting a nice view if I must say so myself. 

He caught me staring, smirking cockily, "Will you stop staring at my ass and help me find my other shoe?" he chuckled, shaking his head. 

I pretended to weigh my options, "I dunno, option one seems a lot more enjoyable." my eyes trailed down his stomach, then back up to his now narrowed eyes. 

"Help meee!" he whined, hopping onto the bed and on me in a straddling position. 

My eyes widened, "Whoa Vic, I don't know about you, but I highly doubt your parents are going to wanna see you with sex hair." I held my hands up. 

He rolled his eyes, "You're such a pervert." he mumbled. Then some terrifying idea seemed to struck him because now he's smirking and that's never a good thing when he did it. 

"What are you smirking at?" I asked cautiously. 

He shrugged, placing each hand on either side of my stomach, "Guess." he grinned mischievously. 

I tilted my head, "Uh, I don't know." my voice was small, he was so scary when he came up with devious ideas. I didn't have any more time to think because the next thing I felt were bubbles, bubbles traveling up my back, coming out as laughter. I was just kind of squirming under Vic's touch, "S-stop Vic, p-please!" my words stumbled over themselves, they were somewhat mixed with laughter. He just gave me a toothy grin, intensifying the tickles, "Stop!" I yelped. 

He chuckled, "What's the magic word?" he challenged. 

"P-please!" I shouted, he shook his head, "Penises! Dicks! I don't know, just stop!" my voice sounded all high pitched at this point, "Vic, ba-be stop!" I cried out, his fingers just kept moving rapidly everytime I squirmed around, until he finally stopped. A tingly sensation trailing on my rib cage, "You ass." I muttered, breathing heavily. 

He smirked, leaning down to press a kiss onto my nose, "I love you." his head was leaning against mine comfortably. 

"Fuck off." I groaned, pushing him off me. 

He pouted, "Aw come on love, I'm sorry." he leaned down to peck my lips, but I turned my head away. 

"Nope." I crossed my arms over my chest, letting my gaze wander along the wall. 

"Pl-" I picked up my phone to check the time. 

"FOUR MINUTES!" I yelled, he flinched back, landing on the opposite side of my head. I laughed at him, "Don't fuck with me, I'll fuck you up." 

He tsked, "That was not cool." I could sort of tell he was giving me an unimpressed look. 

"The feeling is mutual." I smiled to myself, stradling him this time, "I love you, you dork." I reached down to peck his lips, and he let me. 

"No, but I should really get going. You know how impatient my parents get." he frowned. 

I pushed him off me, "You were literally supposed to be there two minutes ago." I looked over at him with my eyebrow raised. 

"Fuck!" he groaned, rolling off the bed like the strange human he was. "I have a feeling we're always going to be too distracted to do things on time." he mumbled, slipping on his shoes. 

I nodded in agreement, "More than likely." 

He smiled, "Sort some of the boxes out, please?" 

"Maybe." I winked. 

He rolled his eyes, coming over to me, "I love you." 

"I love you too." 


Is this good, or nah? First chapter whaaaaaaaaat. 

 I'm going to give it a shot and ask for 5 votes and 2 comments. If we don't get them I'll still write, obviously I just really want to see how that works, lol. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now