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- Kellin's P.O.V - 

Tori somehow managed to get the truth out of me, taking the time to kick the shit out of me for making her think I'd cheated on Vic. Why had I lied? I'm not sure, I'm somehow convinced that I'm missing the female attention...I do love Vic, but, just- fuck. I don't think I have any excuse for the way I was acting though. I mean, I had absolutely no reason to be such an asshole. I don't think. Which is how I find myself here, in front of none other than Matty, "Wait a minute, so she kissed you?" he asked, leaning in closer. 

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, it was completely one sided...but I'm starting to second guess things." last time I went to Matty, I almost break up with Vic. I'm totally giving him the benefit of the doubt right now. 

He chuckled in response, "She kissed you, but you told Tori you'd kissed each other?" there was nothing but humor in his voice, which really wasn't something I needed right now. Guess I deserve it? 

"Uhm, but then I told her the truth and she got all pissy because she thought I'd cheated on Vic." I clarified. 

Matty quirked an eyebrow, "Seems like you're stuck in quite a pickle." he shook his head, stuffing a frie in his mouth, "What are you second guessing now?" 

"I think I'm straight." I spoke confidently. 

He chocked on his french fry, grabbing the cup of water quickly, "Kellin,- you what?" he panted, staring at me wide eyed. 

I sighed, "I don't know, Matty! My mind's all fucked up, and I- I do love Vic, but I'm having doubts and why the fuck did Katelynne have to come and fuck everything up again!?" by the time I finished my sentence I was pretty positive that my face had gone red from anger, and just all around frustration. I was also feeling guilty for even having doubts about Vic, who the fuck does that? 

Matty narrowed his eyes a little, "Did you tell Tori this part?" he asked, staring at me expectantly. 

"No! I'm not stupid," maybe I am stupid, but that doesn't mean I will admit to it out loud, "She'd kick my ass, then tell Mike and he'd kick my ass too, like a gang bang, but they'd all be kicking my ass." 

His face contorted into one of distaste, "That's..." he shook his head dismissively, "Kellin I really don't know what to tell you." he spoke, his voice all apologenic and shit. 

I sighed, "This is one of those 'I'm fucked' moments. I'm not sure how to handle this." my exasperated tone came out louder than expected, causing a few people to give me dirty looks, fuck them. 

"I doubt you're completely straight, I mean..I don't think you can un-gay yourself," he started off, "maybe Katelynne's just trying to manipulate you or some shit. Don't let her ruin your relationship again, once it's gone all you're gonna be left with is some serious relation shit." 

Relation shit? That's a new one. "I didn't even like the kiss with Katelynne," I admitted, "I'm just craving another girl...does that make sense?" 

"I don't know, I'm not gay." he shrugged, 

"Do you even need to be gay to understand what I'm saying?" I quirked an eyebrow at him. 

"I don't know?" 


I'm here to fuck shit up. 

Haha, short filler once again because I really don't know what I'm doing. Don't worry though, I will try to fix this asap, unless I make it worse, then...

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now