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- Kellin's P.O.V -

"So Jack, what do you think about that?" I grinned cockily at him, spinning the accessory display stand.

Jack rolled his eyes, flicking my head, "I think you're an asshole." he smirked, "Besides that'll never work, you'll need a lot more people Kellin."

I scoffed, "I could totally start a Flash mob on my own. You watch me." no, I was not going to start dancing in the middle of the store. I highly doubt people would join me, but it's possible.

"It's not called a flash mob if it's only you dancing you idiot." he laughed, "Besides, last I heard you don't know how to dance." toward the end of his sentence he dismissed me rudely.

My head shot back in an attempt to look somewhat exhausted, "I do know how to dance!" I shouted, "How to pop," I popped out my butt, "lock," I shook my butt to the right, "And drop it," I dropped like a big booty bitch.

He fell into hysterics, "Oh my god! Can you do that again so I can record it?!" He'd already began to pull out his cell phone from his back pocket before I even got a chance to respond.

I pouted, "Shut up, that was good." I mumbled, he was still holding up his phone, waiting for me to redo it. "I'm not doing it again, you dick." I shook my head, walking away from the cash register. I heard him chuckle from behind me. Jack Barakat? More like Jack Baradick.

"Where are you going?!" he caught up to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

So close to the doors! "My shift is up." I shrugged, peeling his arm of of me, "That means I get to go home, 'nd so do you because, well I didn't make the store hours."

He frowned, "But I like being here."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Don't you wanna get back home to Lexy?" my eyebrows did this wiggly thing that more than likely made me look like an idiot.

"Yeah, but he's on a business trip. He's literally all the way over there with the Brits." he ran a hand through the blond part of his hair, only making it messier than it already was.

"Oh." I sighed, not really sure what to tell him, "You two can FaceTime or something? I don't know." I sucked at giving relationship advice. Especially long distance relationship advice. Last time I almost broke Rian and Cassadee up. it was honestly an accident.

He gave me a pleading look, "Can I go over to you place?" the thing about Jack is that he absolutely hates being alone. He always needed someone to be around him, no matter what the circumstance is. He's a clingy little shit, in a good way of course.

"Uhm," I thought about it, "I mean, I'm all up for it, but their's four other people staying there right now."

A grin made it's way onto his face, "The more the merrier, no?" his voice was dripping with enthusiasm.

"I guess." I shrugged, "But please, please, please, don't do anything stupid." I looked him in the eye letting him know I was serious.

He scoffed, "Kellin. When have I done anything stupid?"

As if on cue his left foot stumbled with his right, causing him to fall forward, but no, Jack Barakat would rather grab and drop a whole cart full of accessories than fall onto the floor. "Way to prove your point Jacko," I smirked sarcastically.

A glare was all that was sent towards me, followed by many grunts. "I actually meant to do that." he insisted.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I sighed.


"Hey Mike, how've you been?!" Were the first words out of Jack's mouth once I opened the door.

Everyone was just kind of sitting there watching some horror film, I think it was a horror film. Donnie Darko. Would that be considered a horror film? Once my eyes adjusted to the dark I was able to see a little more clearly, Mike was up talking to Jack, Tony and Tori were sprawled out on the floor, Jaime was on the couch, and Vic was no where in sight.

I made my way over to Tony, "Hey, where's Vic?" I asked quietly, trying not to disturb a really engrossed tori.

"He's in the bedroom," he smiled, nodding toward the hallway.

I looked over, "Okay, thanks." I grinned, standing up straight and making my way over. I was still a little upset with him, but eventually I would have to go in and change.

When I walked in everything was off, well everything but the bedside table, Vic was sitting down cross legged more than likely working on an assignment. He looked up once he heard the click of the door, "Hey, uh, how was work?" he asked quietly, his glasses falling over to the tip of his nose.

I shrugged, "The usual." typical response really. I made my way over to the closet, picking out some comfortable clothes to sleep in. I probably won't be able to sleep, but it's worth a shot.

"Oh," he mumbled, fumbling with the edges of his paper, "I'm uh, sorry." He whispered.

I turned around, "Hm?"

"I said I'm sorry." he muttered, "For...well, you know." he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. 

I only chuckled, causing him to look up, "It's alright, I just want you to be able to trust me. If I’m dating you, you don’t need to get jealous of other people. I am with you, only you. If you ever think I’m flirting with other people, I’m not. There’s a reason why I chose you and only you. I only want you, no one else. You are mine. I am yours." I shrugged, half smiling at him. 

He grinned, "I know. I was kind of stupid to think otherwise." 

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you were." I paused, "Now if you'd excuse me I need to go pee." 

"You do that," he chuckled, going over to grab something. 

I walked out and shut the door behind me quietly, noticing Tony at the end of the hall, "Hey Tony," I stopped him. 

Tony whipped around, looking at me wide eyed, "Hello Kellin." he murmured, keeping his gaze locked on the floor. 

How am I supposed to word this? "Uh, I kind of saw you and Mike holding hands..." I mumbled, feeling incredibly weird. 

He nodded, "Yeah, uh.." 

"Are you two together? Like, together together?" saying the word twice kind of made it seem like the question was out there more clearly.

He nodded again, "Kind of? I mean we are, we're just not ready to tell anyone, can you not tell anyone? Please." He gave me a pleading look. 

"Yeah, I that won't be a problem." I muttered, "If you two need help with anything, feel free." I motioned toward myself. 

"Got it," he chuckled, "Thanks." I just earned myself a pat on the shoulder, fuck yeah. 

"Now if you'll excuse me- and my bladder." I excused myself. 


I see you guys were into the whole Perrentes thing. *wink wink* so many gay couples, whoa. 

Uhm, I wrote about half of this while half asleep, and the other half while half asleep, so technically if you put two and two together I was wide awake, but not really- thankbye. 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now