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- Kellin's P.O.V -

The room was dark, except for the light fluorescent light shining from my cellphone. Who the fuck would be calling at three am? Frank, that's who. I sighed, picking it up quickly, "Hey?" I spoke quietly, trying to not wake Vic. He was a heavy sleeper, but still.

"Hey Kellin, do you think you could come pick Bandit up?" his words came out rushed.

I'm pretty sure my face held a skeptical expression, "It's three am, is everything alright?" unless he and Gee were doing the do, then...

"Yeah, Yeah, it's just-" he was cut off by a loud smashing sound, "Stop!" he yelled, "Hurry, please?"

That was enough for me, I stood up quickly. Gathering my shoes and scurrying out of the room. Everyone in the living room was still awake, "Where are you going?" Mike asked once he'd spotted me, gaining everyone's attention.

I'm pretty sure waking up at three am and trying to sneak out of you and your boyfriends' room at three am looks very suspicious, plus I more than likely looked really flustered, "Uhm, I really have to go do something. I'll be right back!" I held up two hands, backing out of the apartment. Jesus Christ, way to not look like you're hiding something Kellin.


The usual ten minute drive took five, I don't usually break laws, but when I do- shut up. When I got there I expected for Frank to be outside with Bandit or something, but it was Mikey. I waved at him, but he looked just like Frank sounded, worried and afraid? I wouldn't know. He opened the back door and led Bandit in, she was wide awake, looking around cautiously. "Thanks Kellin, it means a lot." he faked a smile.

"Anytime," I smiled, "Literally."

He chuckled halfheartedly, pointing back in the direction of the house, "I better get going, will you be alright with..." he motioned toward Bandit.

I nodded quickly, "Yeah, hope things are alright." I offered, I wasn't really sure what the situation was- if there was a situation, but whatever.

"Uhm, I'll see you around." He nodded, not waiting for a response before jogging and disappearing into the house.

Bandit made this strangled inhuman sound, making me jerk my head back, "You okay?" I asked cautiously.

She looked fine, just giving me this look, "Yeah. I just got my leg caught on the seat belt." she murmured, kicking her foot to show me.

I raised my eyebrows, the seat belt's up there...her legs are down there...it didn't add up, but I wasn't going to push it, kids are weird. "Alright, their's other people at the house, just a little warning." I'd managed to stick six people into our apartment, that's a new record.

"That's okay." she shrugged.


I just kind of escorted her into the apartment, once I had the door closed all eyes were on us...including Vic's. "Hey?" I spoke, waving awkwardly.

Vic looked at Bandit then nodded knowingly, though he seemed a but annoyed? The others, on the other hand looked very confused. "Who's that?" asked Jaime, staring at Bandit with a puzzled expression on his face.

"This is Bandit," I motioned toward her, "Bandit, that's Mike, Tony, Jaime, Tori, Jack, and well, you already know Vic." I smiled at her.

She seemed a bit intimidated by everyone in here, "Hi." She spoke quietly, clinging onto my leg.

I looked up and noticed Tony and Tori's eyes all wide, I'd actually forgotten that they were huge fans of My Chemical Romance, oops. "Whoa." They both mumbled at the same time.

"Well, I'm going to take her to sleep and you guys continue on with whatever it is you weirdos were doing," I grinned, walking Bandit over into the spare room. Everyone was sleeping in the living room, so... "Hope this is alright for you." I looked down at her.

She nodded quickly, "Yeah I'm just really tired. I could sleep for ten years!"

I chuckled, "So can I, kiddo." I helped her climb into bed, she was already in pajamas.

Then she just looked up at me for a while, contemplating something, "Could you sing me a song?" she asked shyly.

"Sure," I mean why the fuck not? "What song?"

"Roger Rabbit! I love that one!" she screeched. I chuckled.

"Alright," I shrugged. 


I shut the door slowly, making sure not to wake her or anything like that, even though she may be able to sleep for ten years I still had to be a little cautious. Everyone was still in the same position in the living room, no surprise there. Tony was the first to notice me, "Was that really her?!" he almost shouted, looking up at me with wide eyes, I nodded slowly, "Holy shit!" he shrieked. 

"Kellin, dude, just- how?" Tori spoke, one of her eyebrows furrowed. 

A smile etched its way onto my face, what would've happened if I hadn't approached her? She would've more than likely stayed lost, or kidnapped...oh shit. "I'm not sure." I shrugged happily. My eyes scanned the room, "Where's Vic?" the fact that I've said this twice is surprising me- I don't normally have anyone to ask, plus we're always together, so...

"Vic," Mike popped up from behind a starstruck looking Tony, "Is in his bedroom where you left him hanging." Tony dropped out of his little trance and elbowed Mike's chest, "What? It's true!" he sighed. 

Tony just shook his head disapprovingly, "He's in your room." 

I nodded, not saying anything before walking off, entering the room a bit quieter than usual, "Vic?" I murmured, going over to his side of the bed and crouching down. 

He let out some inhuman sound, "What?" he groaned, burying his head deeper into his pillow. 

"Are you...maybe, possible angry at me?" I asked, feeling this sudden wave of shyness hit me, I felt like a child speaking to their parents after being scolded. 

He sighed, picking his head up and looking me in the eye, "No, my love." he smiled warmly at me, I felt myself mirroring the action, "I was just a little worried, it's no big deal." he reached over to carress my cheek, not once taking his eyes off of mine. "Come on, get some sleep." he whispered, moving back a little to leave me some space. 

Who was I to object? I grinned, kicking off my shoes and sliding in, letting him pull the blankets over us. One of his arms was wrapped around my waist, his head rested on my head. This was probably my favorite part of the day, this and whenever I was around Vic. That actually sounded really ridiculous, basically Vic just makes my like bearable. In every way possible. "I love you." I mumbled, scooting a little bit closer to him. 

He hummed, "I love you too, Kells." 


This is just....ugh. Um, so Frerard is a thing I just haven't exactly made that clear, I don't think. Plus, Bandit's one of the only children I've found myself liking, so I've decided to add her into this because I can. Just a filler though, I think. I don't really know what a filler is, so...

Hope you all have a lovely day/night! 

If It Means A Lot To You [Sequel to WACK] → KellicWhere stories live. Discover now