You Don't Have to be a Hero to Save Somebody

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Summary: Henry gets cornered by bullies after school and almost reveals his secret identity, thankfully the most unlikely hero comes to save the day.

Trigger Warnings: Language, severe bullying, gore.

Rated: T

School let out early, but Henry had to stay behind to ask a teacher a question so his friends went on ahead saying they would meet him at his house. He walked down the quiet hallway then heard multiple footsteps quickening behind him. He passed the teacher's room trying to get away from the people following him. He was one hundred percent sure they were following him because they walked into the bathroom with him as well. Getting fed up Henry turned around then was slammed against a stall door. He hit the ground hard then felt someone grab his sweatshirt and slide him up the wall. His eyes were dazed so he couldn't make out who it was. The group of people chuckled and exchanged punches. The leader still holding him to the wall smiled with pure evil. He backhanded Henry against the face then threw the teenager to the floor. Kneeling down the man whispered, "same time tomorrow Hart." The men left the room leaving their victim in the corner underneath the sink.

Henry cleaned himself up until he looked normal, he grabbed his backpack off the floor, and ignoring the stabbing pain in the back of his head, he walked home. He opened the front door then went straight to his room and collapsed onto his, mentally begging his little sister to leave him alone for one night. "Henry!!!" Of course, he had no such luck. "Henry! Did you take my phone charger?!" The boy winced as his door slammed open to reveal a stormy Piper Hart. She stomped around his room searching for the pink phone charger. Henry groaned from his bed the rolled over, still sore from the events that had just occurred. "Henry! Where is my phone charger?!" The teen winced as he stood up, feeling his broken ribs he unplugged his and handed it to her.

"Just use mine." Just then she noticed his off behavior. He looked more tired than normal. His eyes were droopy and his face sunk into itself.

"Are you okay Henry?" He tried to mask the pain.

"Yeah, everything is great." She frowned then crossed her arms.

"I'm just asking. No need to be rude about it. Thanks for your charger." He nodded and watched her leave. His clock read nine thirty, he sighed as he felt the coolness of his sheets was over his bumps and brusies. He turned off his light and prayed for a good night's rest.

The next day his final period teacher asked him he was feeling okay. His phone beeped and he looked at it.

Unknown Number:
If you aren't their then we'll do it the next day during school, and after.

Henry sighed then nodded. The science teacher went back to teaching and he went back to day dreaming. He was the last one out of the classroom, even the teacher himself bolted after the final bell rang. He sighed then slowly stood up. Yet again, he found himself on the ground facing four pairs of feet. "Ready to play?" Henry shook his head, but the leader guy slammed him into the wall dislocating his shoulder. "Too bad, we don't care." The men began to beat him just as yesterday, but this time the pain felt so much worse. Soon, his body just sort of, blocked it out. The pain was too much for him to handle. He cowered in the corner and allowed the four people to beat him to a pull until...

"HEY!" The voice, he recongizes it... "LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" No. It can't be Piper. He feels the pain lessen and assumes they stopped beating him.

"Or what?" One of the older men asked the ten year old. Henry didn't have to see his sister to know she's smirking.

"Or else I call Captain Man's personal cell phone number and have him arrest you for beating him up." The older guy chuckled,

"You're bluffing!" But Henry knows she isn't, after the whole 'Captain Dad' thing happened Captian Man gave Piper his cell number for emergencies. "No one knows who Captain Man is!" Piper countered,

"That's a you problem. Put my brother down or I press 'call'." The man didn't relieve his grip. Piper pressed the green button. It rang three times on speaker until,

"Hello?" Piper smiled,

"Captian Man! This is Piper, remember? You shot an alien off my face before." Henry heard Ray chuckle through the phone.

"Ah yes. I forgot I gave you my number. Is there an emergency?" The man dropped Henry and he hit the ground. "Was that a body thumping to the floor? What are you doing?" Piper watched her brother cautiously, she knew he would probably pass out soon.

"It's my brother. Some fourty year old guys beat him up. We're at the high school." She noticed the sudden change in her hero's voice.

"I'm on my way." The phone clicked off then the four men began to please with Piper to save them. She ignored them and rushed to Henry's side.

"Henry! Are you okay?" He rolled his eyes and Piper nodded, "you're right. Stupid question. Where does it hurt the most?" He coughed up some blood then said,

"Ri-ribs." She placed her fingers gently over them and he hissed in response.

"Sorry." When she heard the helicopter she looked up at the ceiling and smiled, "hang on for a little while longer okay bro-bro?" She said using her old nickname for him. He nodded slowly. Captain Man enter and arrested the two people first. She watched as he broke the guy's arms then brought them to the police waiting for them. He returned to the room and Piper watched his face, though it was hard due to the mask, change from, anger, to concern, and a million other things. The one that stood out the most was guilt. "Captain Man?" She questioned quietly. He snapped back to attention then helped her lift up the boy. Henry snuggled into Captain Man's chest for warmth and Piper chuckled, "I guess he really does like you." He began to walk out of the room, but she stopped him. "Wait! I want to come with. I found him, he's my brother!" After a moment of hesitation he nodded,

"Okay. But you have to do whatever I say." She nodded,

"Deal." They rode the Man Copter to Junk 'n Stuff then she followed him into the Man Cave. She was in awe at the base, then did as the hero instructed. She grabbed band aids and IV bags then after all of Henry's wounds was treated her mind began to put two and two together. "You're Henry's boss. Henry's Kid Danger?" Ray Manchester switched to civilian clothes and continued to work on his sidekick.

"Yeah." After the stitches were tied off and complete he sighed. "He never wanted to tell you." The ten year old looked up, "the hero business is dangerous. If villains find out who he is then they can find out who you are." The monitor beeped slowly breaking the silence. She stared at her brother. She never knew the risks he took, or the lies he told, in order to protect her home.

A few hours later he groaned and his eyes fluttered open. She gasped then shouted,

"Ray! He's awake!"Captain Man logged off the computers and ran to his sidekick's side.

"Charlotte?" The blonde asked turning his head. Piper shook hers,

"Sorry bro-bro." His eyes widened and he tried to sit up, but hands pushed him back down again.

"Nuh uh! You aren't going anywhere!" His boss said. "What were you thinking kid! If Piper hadn't found you then-" Henry interrupted him,

"Pipes found me?" She nodded,

"It was like, six 'o clock and you didn't come home yet. I found you and those guys in your science classroom then called Captain Man." He glanced at his boss then groaned,

"So you know then?" She nodded then began to laugh. "What's so funny?!" She smiled,

"I can't believe I had a crush on you!" They all broke into laughter.

Piper Hart realized something very important that day. She didn't need superpowers to become a hero.

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