I Care

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Summary: Henry returns from a failed mission, the bond between hero and his sidekick is about to break if Ray doesn't fix what he started.

Trigger Warnings: The Usual

Rated: T

Notes: Not slash

Henry entered the Man Cave in a huff. His face was covered in soot from the fire he just stopped. He stepped off the tube pads, not even speaking to his boss. "Henry! Would you just listen to me for once in your life?!" I'm sorry you had to do that... Henry turned around to face his boss,

"I always listen to you! You never listen to me!" Why don't you ever care? You never cared about me. Just the 'mission'. Ray transformed into his civilian clothes then said,

"I'm sorry!" Please forgive me, I don't want to fight. You are the best sidekick in the world. "I'm sorry Henry." Please, come back. Kid Danger looked at his boss through his domino mask.

"Sorry doesn't change what you did Ray." I forgive you, I just can't trust you... The hero of Swellview sat on his couch almost in tears.

"Henry, I didn't mean it! I never would have..." I never would have given you up to save those civilians... Henry sat down opposite of him and asked,

"Why not?" Why sould I be allowed to escape Toddler and not the civilians? Why do they have to suffer for something we did? Ray walked to stand next to his friend.

"Henry..." How could you even think that you're not worth it? How could you think I didn't care? "I do care about you." His sidekick shook his head in denial,

"No. You don't, you're just saying that..." This isn't real, it's just for show. He doesn't care about me. Ray hugged his best friend then said,

"Ignoring every single time I royally screwed up I still care Henry, I'd you quit I would never dare replace you. Kid Danger is yours and yours alone." Henry sniffled then squeezed his boss with a bone crushing hug.

"Thanks Ray." He fell asleep on the couch, and this time he had no nightmares.

Sorry these are starting to get shorter, I've been writing most of them on the fly so if you have any requests please request them.

No ships(unless minor)
The angstier the better
Only Thundermans crossovers allowed.
Must either have an episode, or a mini summary I can base it off of.
Enjoy reading it once published!!!

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