I Know Your Secret Part 2

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Requested By: 3mmaL0v3

Rated: T

Spoiler Warnings: None

Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping, mild language

Notes: Jasper knows, someone else finds out about the secret. Sorry that this took forever for me to publish, thank you so much for waiting so long. Also, Piper is thirteen in this so it technically takes place after season four, but whatever.

Let it begin, let it begin! (Internet cookies to anyone who knows that reference)



Piper Hart was not an idiot. She was in the seventh grade and she was in accelerated classes, Piper Hart was a force to be reckoned with. After elementary school, she finally realized how annoying and greedy she'd been towards her friend's, once she apologized and began to act less like a brat she began to notice things about other people. Like how sometimes Charlotte and Jasper would randomly walk into the Hart house (not that this was unusual) and demand to know if Piper knew where Henry was. If she did the two high schoolers would visibly relax, then excuse themselves to call into their work. If she didn't then they would just sprint out of the house without even saying goodbye. She also noticed how Henry grew more anxious throughout the day, during Saturday night movie nights his left hand would twitch closer to the weird watch he always wore. "Piper!" Henry shouted snapping his fingers in front of her face, she blinked then asked,

"what?" She crossed her arms then her brother sighed,

"mom said her and dad are going on a date tonight so you have to come with me to work." Piper rolled her eyes annoyed, the thrift store always smelled like old people and everything was covered in dust. Sometimes if she was lucky though, the old guy who sat at the counter would let her feed his plant.

"Fine, let me grab my phone charger." As she turned around to face the counter she saw him pull out a tube of bubble gum, which he opened to check to see if it was completely filled. Piper yanked her phone charger from the outlet near the counter and left her house with Henry. On the way, they stopped at a Basket Burger fast food joint to grab dinner. Even though there was a perfectly good table right by the window, Henry insisted on sitting at the table closest to the bathroom, why Piper didn't know. They got their food and began to eat it, suddenly two guys with guns kicked the door in. From across the table, Piper saw something in her brother shift awake. Suddenly she was behind a knocked over the table with Henry crouching behind her as they used it for cover. "What's going on?!" She asked, yelling over the gunshots. Henry pulled out his gumball tube and popped one in his mouth. He tucked the gumball tube away into his pocket then said,

"do you trust me?" Piper nodded, more serious than she ever has been before.

"Of course." Her older brother began to form a bubble using the gum, suddenly faster than lightning, Kid Danger was standing where her brother was. "You... you're Kid Danger?!" She exclaimed, accidentally looking over the table. She quickly ducked back behind it so she wouldn't get hit by a bullet.

"Stay here, I'm going to take care of this." Piper nodded then watched her brother fight off two robbers who were both armed with guns. A hand reached from behind her head and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream. The woman who grabbed her stood them both up and shot warning bullets into the ceiling.

"Don't try anything Kid Danger." She spoke, Piper's eyes widened when she felt pressure from the gun against the back of her head. Henry instantly dropped the woman's partner onto the floor and held up his hands. 

"Look, don't be stupid." He glanced between Piper and her captor then said, "if you want a hostage then take me, Captain Man would do whatever you want until he gets me back." The woman sneered then pressed the gun harder against Piper's skull.

"I'm not stupid Kid Danger, sure I'd have Swellview's finest wrapped around my finger if I take you hostage, but if I take this girl then the whole city will do whatever I want. Take out your phone and stomp on it." She said addressing Piper, the teen complied and placed her phone on the ground before stomping her foot on it, destroying the screen. "If you try to follow us I'll kill her without even using my gun. Nick, Luke, get up we're getting out of here." Piper couldn't do anything but let the woman drag her through the back exit of the restaurant and throw her into their van.

"What are we going to do Dani?!" One of the guys, Nick Piper thought as she remembered his name. "You said we were just going to take the cash and get out, not commit a kidnapping!" Piper smirked then said,

"you guys really have no clue who your messing with do you?" The woman rolled her eyes then asked,

"what, a little bitch who has no sense of self-preservation?" Piper shook her head then said,

"nope. I heard you guys talking about just keeping me, that won't work because Kid Danger will never stop looking for me." Dani sighed then shook her head,

"I feel bad for you kid. If you know what's best for you though, you'd stop talking." Piper held up her hands then said,

"I get the message loud and clear Dani." She looked out the trunk window then saw the Man Van catching up to them. Piper smirked, "looks like we're going to have some company." Suddenly Dani lost control of the van since the tires went flat. The trunk door opened to reveal Henry in his Kid Danger get up. She grabbed his hands then jumped from the back of the van. They hugged then Henry punched Dani in the face, Piper could hear her nose crack from where she was standing. 

"That was for messing with Piper." Captain Man threw the three robbers into the back of the squad cars.

"Kid Danger, I'll meet you back at the Man Cave if you want to deal with the... problem." Piper watched as Henry crossed his arms and stepped in between her and his boss.

"If you have a problem then sure, but my little sister had nothing to do with her finding out who I really am." Captian Man just sighed and climbed into the Man Van. Once everyone was finally cleared away from the crime scene Piper turned to Henry and said,

"you know I'm proud of you right?" Henry smiled then hugged her,

"thang goddess, I thought you would be angry." Piper smirked,

"oh bet your ass I'm pissed off at you. I'm just more proud right now." The two Hart siblings chuckled then hugged. After a few minutes of hugging and joking he smirked then asked,

"you know, back when you were Kid Danger obsessive you basically had a crush on me." Piper groaned,

"awe gross!" Then they continued to walk the rest of the way to Junk 'n Stuff.


Again, sorry this was so late. Hope it was good.


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