The Jasper Dunlop Story

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Summary: Jasper Dunlop was a boy who nobody really understood. His friendships with Henry and Charlotte were always put to the test since they got their new jobs.

Rated: T

Jasper approached the door to the junk store where his friends now worked, determined to get to the bottom of the mystery of the newfound dynamic duo. "Charlotte, Henry, are you here?" He approached the strange man at the front desk then asked, "hey. I'm looking for my friends, Charlotte and Henry, did they check into work yet?" The man at the desk frowned at him. Jasper's face must've looked pretty desperate because the man sighed,

"in the back they are." Jasper frowned, Henry said when he first got the job all he did was mop floors, why would he lie?

"can you get them for me?" The man shook his head,

"sorry, busy are they." Jasper nodded,

"yeah, I guess I should've expected that. They've both been busy since they got this job. Too busy to pay me any attention at least." The man looked at him sadly, then produced a mini bucket from behind the counter in an attempt to cheer him up.

"Take it," he said, "you like buckets, yes?" Jasper shook his head, turning down the free bucket. He asked the man,

"I just realized I never asked you what your name was." The older man smiled,

"Gooch, nice to meet you officially Jasper. Henry and Charlotte always speak so highly of you." The teen muttered,

"then why do they always ditch me for work?" He shook his head to clear the doubts from his mind, "never mind, tell them I miss them would ya? See you later Gooch." The eldest man in the shop frowned slightly at the sight of the teenager as he left the shop. Yes, in Henry and Charlotte's defense working for Captain Man can be a very time-consuming job, but they shouldn't be ignoring their friend. Especially, Gooch figured, since the duo were his only friends that actually cared for him...

The next day Jasper stayed at home 'sick' in an attempt to regain attention from his friends. It's not that he's 'that person', but it's been months since he's seen them outside of school. He can't even remember the last time they had a sleepover... The day passed and Jasper's only visitor was Oliver, who left after a few minutes of realizing Jasper ditched and wasn't really sick. The poor  boy even made Jasper soup.

When Jasper returned to school it was as if he didn't even miss a day. His friends continued to have hushed conversations in the corners of the hallways and classrooms. Whenever Henry's new watch beeped Charlotte would give Henry a worried look and they would have some sort of mental conversation. Henry and Charlotte have both been missing since third period, which could only diminish Jasper's self-worth more.

"Hey! Dumblop!" Mitch shouted at him from across the cafeteria. Jasper groaned, normally Henry was here to ward off the bullies, but even they have noticed his recent absences. "Who's going to protect you now that Henry Farts gone." Jasper chuckled at the insult,

"Clever Mitch, 'Henry Farts.'" The Super Senior faltered at Jasper's change in tone. Normally, he was happy -go-lucky. Now he was cold, distant... Mitch smirked, covering his secret concern,

"whatever. I see your friends ditched you once again so they could go make love." He said, then he turned around and fake made-out with an invisible person. When he turned around Jasper just returned to his book. "Loser." Mitch 'tripped' and spilled his coke all over the book Jasper was reading. The teen just sighed, stood up, then left the room after throwing the ruined library book away. Stunned silence echoed throughout the cafeteria as his footsteps quieted the further he got from the cafeteria.

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