Operation: Benry

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Summary: Piper, Charlotte, and Jasper get fed up with Henry's constant fighting with Bianca, granted the girl left him. Henry's friends decide to take it into their own hands to get the two ex-lovebirds to be friends again.

Requested By: accchuck7

Trigger Warnings: Language

Rated: T

Henry sat next to Charlotte during lunch just as his ex was about to place down her tray. "Um... Excuse me Hart." Charlotte and Jasper exchanged a -here we go again- look. Henry glared at her,

"What do you want Woods?" Bianca huffed,

"I was going to sit next to my best friend." Henry smirked,

"Sorry, but Charlotte's my best friend." Jasper shouted 'hey!' in protest. Bianca glared back at him,

"Give me the seat." Henry shook his head,

"Not going to do that Woods. Want to know why?" She shrugged. "Because I don't give my seat to losers." Bianca angerly grabbed her pudding cup and squeezed it in Henry's direction. In retaliation he threw his mini apple pie in her face. The entire cafeteria froze. Someone yelled,

"Food fight!!!!!!!" And Chaos ensued.

Later that day while Henry was still at work Jasper and Charlotte entered his house to talk to Piper. The young girl looked up from her phone. "Good, you're here. We need to do something about Henry and Bianca." Jasper sat on the couch and scoffed,

"There's nothing we can do. They hate each other! Henry started a food fight just because she wanted to sit next to Charlotte!" The girl in question crossed her arms.

"Piper look up different ways to get people to stop fighting." The ten year old logged onto the internet. The search results were,

The ten best ways to become friends with someone.


How to get people to stop fighting.

She clicked on the second one. It had a list ways to fix friendships.

1.) Admit the mistake.

2.) Lock the two in an elevator until problem is solved.


After reading the rest of the list out loud Piper grinned, "can we really lock them into an elevator together?" Charlotte shrugged,

"I don't see why not." Jasper pumped his fist in the air,

"I can finally check 'lock someone into an elevator off my bucket list!'" The trio then began to plan Mission: Benry friends again.

The next day Henry could tell something was off with his friends. Throughout the entire day they kept glancing at Bianca, then at their phones. After school let out Charlotte ran like lightning to get out of class, after a while Henry received a text.

From: Chare Bear
To: Henry

Meet me on the second floor. Take the elevator.

The teen sighed then walked to the elevator, bumping into his ex along the way. "Ugh! What are you doing here?" He asked his ex. She smirked,

"Jasper texted me to meet him on the second floor." The elevator doors opened and they both walked inside. The doors shut, but the elevator didn't move. "Did you break it?!" She shouted at him. Kid Danger shook his head,

"Whose to say you didn't?!"


Jasper, Charlotte, and Piper we're all laughing as they watched the teens trapped in the elevator through security feeds....

In the elevator...

Suddenly it got really cold so Henry and Bianca were forced to hug each other in order to conserve body heat. "Th-th-this is so stupid!" Bianca shouted, "I'm going to try and open the ceiling hatch." Henry nodded and watched her fail at the task she set out to do. When she gave up Henry tried to open it, but the hatch didn't budge.

"I-I-I bet Charlotte and Jasper have something t-t-to do with this." Bianca nodded,

"They t-t-tried to g-g-get me to stop fighting with you." Henry frowned,

"Wh-wh-what were we even fighting about in the f-f-first place?" She rubbed her arms together to stay warm.

"I-I-I- forget..." Henry shuffled over to where Bianca was standing and wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a hug.

"Can we b-be friends again?" She nodded and hugged him back,

"I would l-l-like that." Suddenly the heat turned back on and the doors opened. A voice over the PA system said,

"Congratulations Henry and Bianca. You have completed your mission." They exchanged confused looks, then ran out of the elevator and into freedom.

Total word count: 740

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