Never Have I Ever

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Summary: Finally granted a weekend off, Henry invites his friends to his house. His sister starts a game of Never Have I Ever, which brings him more trouble than it's worth.

Trigger Warnings: None

Rated: K-T

Henry was finally granted a weekend off of work so he invited his two best friends over at his house. His sister, being annoying as always, forced them into a game of Never Have I Ever.

"Okay, here's how you play. Everyone has to hold up ten fingers. As we go around the circle if someone says something you have done then you have to put a finger down. Once all of your fingers are gone then you lose." Henry glanced at his friends, they seemed into it. His sister smirked, "I'll go first... Never have I ever... Worked at a junk store." Henry and his friends groaned as they all put down a finger. Piper turned to Jasper,

"Your turn." Jasper smirked in Henry's direction.

"Never have I ever had to scrub a tube full of taco stuff." Piper gave her brother a look as he put down a finger. Charlotte said,

"Never have I ever been... In the bottom of Swellview river." Henry shot her a look as he put down another finger. Henry then said,

"Never have I ever pushed that big swirly whirly in the park trying to trick someone into thinking it was the enterance into a secret base." Jasper groaned,

Yet he still lowered a finger. Piper counted everyone's fingers then said,

"Okay so far I'm winning since I still have all ten fingers up. Charlotte's in second with one finger down, Jasper's in third with eight fingers left, along with Henry. Let's start, never have I ever... Been buried alive." Henry groaned and placed down his seventh finger. Jasper said,

"Never have I ever... Been on a train." Charlotte and Henry both placed down one finger down. Charlotte chuckled,

"Never have I ever shoplifted before." Both Jasper and Piper put down a finger. Jasper held up his hands in surrender,

"It was for a bucket!" Henry shook his head then came up with,

"Never have I ever... Broken my phone before." Piper, Charlotte, and Jasper all put down a finger. Piper recounted everyone,

"Henry's in last place with five, Jasper's tied for second with seven. Charlotte tied with Jasper. I'm in first place with eight fingers up. Never have I ever... Lied to my mom." Henry placed down a finger leaving him at four. Charlotte sighed,

"Never have I ever wore a watch." Both Jasper and Henry placed a finger down. Henry frowned looking at his last three fingers then said,

"Never have I ever been spray painted on before." Jasper groaned,

"Not fair!" As he placed down his finger leaving him with six fingers up. Piper smirked,

"Never have I ever been in a romantic relationship before." Henry and Jasper placed down a finger. Charlotte smirked in Henry's direction then said,

"Never have I ever had to interrupt a wedding." Henry glared at her,

"I lose. Well, that was fun. Why do t we go back to work?" Piper pointed out,

"Because it's your weekend off!" Henry shrugged, then his watched beeped three times.

"Gotta go!" The three teens raced out the door. Piper shouted after them,

"All you do is sweep floors!!!" Getting weird looks from her neighbors she shook her head and went back inside muttering about stupid brothers.

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