Jessica Dunlop: Part One

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Requested By: mythicaljoji

Summary: While the Hart's and Charlotte are hanger out at Jasper's house his best kept secret comes to light, discovered by the most unlikely of people.

Rated: Teen

Note: I do not mean to offend anyone while writing this. If you have an issue with something please PM or comment it and I will trying to change it.

Jasper's mother finally allowed him to invite friends over. So when he asked Henry, his sister, and Charlotte Henry jumped at the chance.

The evening started off simple enough, but after a few rounds of Truth or Dare, Never have I Ever, and Apples to Apples, and long talks about random things the four were in a giant cuddle puddle in the center of the floor. Around dinner time his mother brought out pizzas and a stack of thin books. "Thanks mom!" Jasper said grabbing two slices of 'za. His mother grumbled a response then went back to her room.

"So Jasper, let's look through these yearbooks and find some embarrassing moments shall we?" Henry goaded his friend. They skimmed through the yearbooks at the dinner table. Henry grabbed the one from the year before they met. As he was looking through it he began to frown. "Hey Jasp... Why aren't you here? Did they misspell your name or something? The only Dunlop in here is Jessica Dunlop, you don't have a sister." The picture of Jessica Dunlop showed a girl with long curly brown hair, and she wore a bright pink dress with white laced decals.

Henry saw his friend start to fidget. His leg began to bounce up and down, his fingers were tap, tap, tapping on the table."Huh? Oh, you mean Jessica. She's my cousin." Henry saw Charlotte cross her arms. She countered,

"Jasper, you don't have any cousins. Ray ran the background check on you before he accepted your job application." The blond watched his best friend become even more and more nervous. It was as if he had a secret. Best friends tell each other everything... Right? Piper pointed out,

"The last year Jessica's in the yearbooks is two years ago." Henry frowned, he never met Jasper until last year, before he started working for Captain Man.

"Jasper..." Henry started, "what aren't you telling us?" Jasper sighed then began to pace around the room.

"Nothing. It's nothing. Nothing. Nothing's wrong." Henry sighed as he watched his friend begin to freak out. "No. No. No. No. No!" He began to shout. "This isn't supposed to... You aren't supposed to find out!" Jasper yelled as he walked from one wall to the other. "Please. No, don't make me say it. I can't say it! I can't tell you!" Henry put his hands up to show his friend he meant no harm. Then he began to walk towards him.

"Jasper? It's okay Jasper. It's me, Henry... Your friend. Can I... Can I touch you?" Jasper nodded then Henry wrapped his arms around his shoulders in a hug. They sat there for a solid hour, Piper had to leave to a friend's house leaving the golden trio alone. "Jasp. Talk to me, please." Henry's best friend shrugged his arm away then walked to the other side of the room so he could look out the window. Charlotte stood next to Jasper, in both support and worry.

"I can't... This isn't really something I like talking about..." Henry exchanged a glance with the chocolate colored girl. She shrugged, having no idea what Jasper was talking about. "I'm uh... My real name is Jessica. Jessica Dunlop." The silence ensued as Henry and Charlotte let it sink into their brains. Henry watched as Jasper looked up, tears wiped away from his eyes. "I'm transgender."

Henry felt a wave of emotions flood through him. Hurt, betrayal, sadness, wonder. "Why didn't you tell me this before?" Charlotte coughed, reminding Jasper and Henry of her presence. "Why didn't you tell us before?" Jasper sighed then ran his fingers through his hair sitting on the recliner in front of his television.

"Try to understand Henry. I'm still your friend, your best friend. When you realize who you are... It messes with everything around you. Everything around you messes with you back." Henry frowned, realizing what Jasper meant.

"You got bullied because you're trans?" Jasper nodded. Henry asked, "how would that be any different the how we get bullied now?" Jasper sat up then looked at him friends,

"When I came out as trans I was the first person 'out and proud' in the entire town Hen." He said, recounting the years of tomatoes thrown at his locker and home. People tossing trash in his direction on the streets, sometimes they would dump their trash cans out all over his front yard. "People didn't like change. So I hid, Jessica became Jasper. The school doesn't even know. My mom told them she was my cousin who moved out of town." Charlotte began to tear up,

"You complete idiot!" She said, smacking his arm. "You didn't tell us you were trans because you thought we would make fun of you for it!" Jasper winced at her tone, so Henry took it in another direction.

"What Charlotte is trying to say Jasp, is that you're our friend no matter what you 'are'. You hear me? We'll protect you." Jasper nodded then Henry's watch beeped. The trio smiled, Henry said, "it's time to get to work." The three arrived to the junk store, friendship intact and stronger than ever. There was only one thing left on Henry's mind... What if Ray finds out?

This is the first two part request! There are still two short story slots open! Read the previous Author's Note for more information. The two shot requests will close on the last day of November!!!!!


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