A superhero, villain, and civilian walk into a bar...

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Just a little blurb about the crew ten years after Henry first becomes Kid Danger. Be warned of major character death, like one swear, and drinking.


The first to arrive was Captain Man, he was used to getting to places early thanks to Charlotte's good behavior over the past couple of years. He ordered his usual, paied despite the superhero discount, and sat at the bar waiting.

The second to enter the bar, not ten minutes after Ray, was Dr. Minyak, famed villain of Swellview. He also ordered a beer, but instead of leaving to plan his next attack he turned to Captain Man and said, "I'm not saying anything until the boy gets here."

Finally, Jasper Dunlop exhausted as ever pushed open the doors of the bar. Unfortunately he quickly became one of the bar's regulars after the event that changed his life. He pointedly ignored the presence of his first idol as he nursed the bottle of beer the bartender handed him.

"Kid - " Ray started, Jasper cut him off,

"Don't call me that. That's what you used to call him." Turning to the two other men he pointed to Dr. Minyak and asked, "what's he doing here?" Dr. Minyak sighed then said,

"I have come to offer my condolences, and to assure you that Seapick is paying for his crime." Jasper chuckled,

"We don't want your condolences. Don't let the door hit you on the way out." The brown haired man gulped down the rest of his beer then ordered another, this time in a mug.

"Jasper, he came here at his own risk. The least you could do is hear him out." Captain Man said, noting how  quickly Jasper was gulping down the mug. He set it down then wipped his mouth then his phone pinged so he checked it. Afterwards he placed it back on the countertop and said,

"Two minutes. After that I don't want to see either of your faces within three blocks of this bar ever again." Dr. Minyak began to explain,

"Us villains, the originals that is, we had a code we honored just as you superheroes do. When we kidnapped victims we wouldn't hurt them, just use them as leverage. We swore never to kill an innocent person." Jasper scoffed then said,

"It seems like Seapick didn't get that memo." Minyak nodded,

"Quite right Mr. Dunlop. Seapick was one of the newer, younger villains who followed no rules. King Crab tried to reign him in, but by the time we managed to get to the killer we were too late." Jasper saw a single tear roll down the evil scientist's face. "Now we had the city calling for blood, everywhere we went our reputations were destroyed, demolished all because Seapick got his fucking kill." Captain Man said,

"It wasn't your fault Minyak." As he placed a hand of the doctor's shoulder Jasper scoffed and finished off his drink.

"Hey Gabby," he called the bartender over, "put theirs on my tab too." She nodded and rang them up. Turning to the two men before him Jasper's eyes were filled with disgust and anger,

"His death was on your hands Captain Man. I'll keep your identity safe, don't worry about that. Never contact me again, he trusted you, I trusted you. I'm not stupid enough to make that mistake again." With that Jasper stood up and walked out of his favorite bar.

As he walked down the street his feet seemed to be on auto pilot, taking him directly to the one place he wanted to avoid right now...

Swellview Cemetery.

Jasper walked past the large group of people huddled around one grave, heading to the back row. Once he arrived to the gravestone he was looking for he got down on one knee and placed his hands on the stone. "Hey bud, it's me again. I'm working on keeping my promise, the one where I'm going to kill your killer that is." He sighed then sat criss-cross applesauce on the grass not caring about the grass stains on his knees. Jasper unzipped the bag he had and produced a stuffed duck from it's depths. "I found this thing awhile ago and I was going to put it in your locker to surprise you. Do you remember Mr. Ducky?" Jasper chuckled as he held the stuffed animal tightly in his hands. "I don't even know why I'm here right now... I guess I wanted you to have this." He said placing Mr. Ducky underneath the name on the gravestone.

"Jasper?" A woman's voice asked, he stood up and brushed off his pants.

"Mrs. Hart, I was just - " she looked at her son's grave then smiled,

"Mr. Ducky..." Jasper nodded,

"Yeah. I found him before..." She nodded then he turned around to leave her to her son, but she grabbed his wrist.

"You were his best friend Jasper. Thank you for that." Jasper nodded then turned back to the gravestone one last time before walking away.

Here lies Henry Hart
Son, brother, friend, hero


Been awhile guys, just wanted to get something out there before season 5 airs (if ever). Also, this definitely wasn't what I wanted it to end up as, but I like it. What do you think should happen in Season 5? Comment below!


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