Jessica Dunlop: Part Two

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Requested By: mythicaljoji

Rated: T

For the next week, Henry assumed his friend's life went back to 'normal'. He went to school, fawned over the newest bucket design, went to work, hung out at his house. Even with all the formalities, Henry had this feeling in the back of his head. Something felt... Off. "Hey Jasp," he said turning around in his chair. "Are you okay?" Jasper nodded. Henry would've believed him if Jasper didn't jump a mile high when someone dropped a textbook on the floor. Henry frowned when he saw Jasper's reaction, but didn't press the matter.

After school, Charlotte, Jasper, and Henry were sitting in Joe's Ice Cream parlor eating frozen desserts when a man, much bigger than them, threw a wadded up paper at Jasper's head. Henry began to stand up, but Jasper shot him an -don't worry about it- look as he uncrumpled the note.

My dearest Jessica,

I hope to see you soon....


I know you remember me.

Henry watched his friend's reaction as he read the note. "Jasper?" He asked, "are you... okay?" Jasper re-crumpled the note and threw it onto his tray.

"I'm gonna go throw out the trash." Jasper dumped his tray then returned to his table. After the three left Henry noticed the crumpled up note fell to the floor, not in the trash. When Jasper wasn't looking he picked it up and shoved it in his pocket, he could look at it later.

It was around 8:00 on Tuesday when the trio finally went back to work. Jasper became more fidgety since he 'came out' to his friends, and not his boss. Henry has just been assuming it was because Jasper thought him or Charlotte would tell Ray, but after he read that note he wasn't so sure... "Jasper?" The teen jumped when he felt Henry's hand on his shoulder. Henry took notice of the black bags under his eyes. "How are you... How are you doing?" Henry sat next to Jasper, careful not to get too close in case Jasper started to have a panic attack or something. Jasper took a deep breath.

"I'm fine." Henry sighed, this wasn't going to be an easy task. Then again, nothing ever came easy for him did it?

"Jasp, dude, you gotta give me some credit. I mean, you've been acting kind of weird since Friday." Jasper sighed, Henry could literally see the battle of emotions going on in Jasper's eyes. It ranged from hurt, to comfort, to even betrayal and happiness. "Look. I read the note." Jasper's eyes flashed back to betrayal. "Who wrote it? Are you in trouble or something?" Again, the battle of emotions raged in Jasper's eyes.

"No. Yes. Maybe? There's this guy who knew me back when I was Jessica." He paused, then continued, "he was a jerk, I well, got him arrested." Henry was shocked,

"why?" Jasper flinched,

"he was a jerk. That's really all there was to it, he was just an extremely big jerk. Anyways, I moved towns to here so I was hoping he couldn't find me here. His release date was three weeks ago, one week ago he sent me that note. I don't know what to do Henry." Henry just sat at the circular couch with his sobbing best friend in his arms.

"We can figure this out. Ray and I, we can arrest him. He'll slip up eventually right?" Jasper nodded then the crime alert sounded. "Will you be okay if I leave? You won't be doing anything stupid tonight right?" Jasper nodded, then Henry and Ray left the Man Cave dressed in uniform. 

When they arrived at the crime scene the police were already at the store that got robbed and had the perp in cuffs. "Hello!" Captain Man shouted dramatically to announce their arrival. Kid Danger scoffed at his mentor's egotistical behavior then walked around trying to figure out what happened.

"Hey." He called out to the first responder. "What happened?" The officer introduced himself as officer Harlan, then proceded to explain how the suspect, Dirk Griffen, broke into the game store to steal the cash from both the cash register and the ATM. Henry sighed then thanked the officer. After a few seconds, Henry realized Dirk was the same man who attacked Jasper a few years ago. "Wait!" He shouted after the cops ushering Dirk into the car. Ignoring Captain Man's questioning expression he ran up to Dirk then began to beat him up.

"Okay, Kid! Okay!" Despite the indestructible superhero trying to pry him off of Dirk Henry continued to beat him until his face was covered in blood. The thing that scared Henry was he wasn't sure it was all Dirk's blood. "Kid, what the hell?!" Henry glared his eyes so hard at Dirk's back he was almost positive Dirk would have holes boring into it. "Kid, come on, we gotta go." Henry nodded, now almost in tears, both from anger and sadness.

As they returned to the Man Cave Henry began to wonder what it was like for well, anyone to live knowing people like Dirk were out there.

The next day during school Henry asked his best friend, "hey Jasp, did you hear? Dirk got arrested again." Jasper turned around then nodded,

"yeah I did. I also heard Kid Danger beat the shit out of him." The duo's friend Oliver joined in the conversation. "Thanks for that." Henry nodded, Oliver asked,

"wait. Since you're, you know, trans, does this mean you're not available to date?" Henry laughed then clapped Jasper's shoulder and said,

"have fun with that dude," before walking down the hallway towards Bianca. Jasper shook his head at Oliver then shut his locker and went after his friend. Oliver shouted after him,

"I'm serious Jasper!" Then proceded to run after the golden trio, dragging his bags after him.


There ya have it! The first of my special requests! There are still two more slots open if no one requests by next Monday @mythicaljoji can request one more prompt again. Also, as another announcement, I am writing another Max Thunderman book. I am almost done with the first chapter, but will not post it until next Monday.


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