Farewell Kid Danger

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Rated: Teen

Trigger Warnings: None

Spoiler Warnings: All Seasons

Notes: Not only will this be the last one shot I'll be writing for a while, requests will now be closed infinitely unless I tell you guys otherwise. Also, this is written differently than my other one shots so let me know what you think. This is also very very short.

Summary: Henry turns around then continues his path towards a new life.

Being Kid Danger was definitely one of the best choices Henry made. It was just... the whole sidekick gig, it wasn't for him.

Not anymore at least.

Sure he was grateful Ray gave him the job in the first place. Who wouldn't want to be a superhero's sidekick? Times have changed, Henry just turned nineteen over the summer and he still hasn't told his parents he had no plans for college due to his superhero job. The whole reason Henry became Kid Danger was to take over the mantel of Captain Man when the time came, protecting the city came with the job.

Henry started at Swellview as the night-life began to appear, lights and laughter could be seen and heard from the city all the way up to the Swellview sign where he was sitting.

If he was being completely honest with himself Henry finally figured out what he wanted to do. He didn't want to become Captain Man. As much as he wanted to, Captain Man was a symbol of hope and light, one that shined brightly upon Swellview both during the night and the day. Captain Man wasn't the only light though, as time went on the citizens of Swellview recognized Kid Danger as another ball of light to keep them safe at night. When Captain Man finally retires Henry would have to find himself a new Kid Danger, but he doesn't want to have to do that. Finally he decided, even before Ray retires as Captain Man Henry would become someone better than Ray, a superhero no villain would dare mess with.

The only problem was that he would have to get rid of Kid Danger first.


Once again thank you so much for the continued support this collection keeps getting. This is the last one shot for a while, yes requests are now CLOSED if you request something I WILL NOT write it. I will still write an occasional one shot here and there, but I have fallen out of this fandom for now. Thanks for understanding!

Love you all, (platonically of course)


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