How To Meet Your Best Friend

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Summary: Charlotte attends Swellview Elementary School for the first time(she moved since her dad had a job transfer). What will she do when she sees the future sidekick of Captain Man get bullied with his best friend?


- I don't purposely mean to offend anyone while writing this; it is meant to be taken as fictional use only.

-  Charlotte=9
- Henry=9 1/2
-Jasper=Almost 9

Requested By: accchuck7.

@ShipsForDays666 - I am writing your request as you read this.

Let the story begin!

Being the new kid again wasn't really that hard, her dad being in the army forced her to move around a lot so she got used to it. This time; however, nine year old Charlotte Barton was determined to stay...

As she pushed opened the doors of her new school she was met with a brief second of silence, then the previously made groups of friends went back to gossiping. She sighed, this new school isn't anything like her old one. In the last state she was the only 'chocolate' colored girl in her grade. Actually, her entire school. She became immune to the blonde cheerleader's insults, but not before she got a few good punches in first.

The sound of a locker slamming shut made her jump. She looked around, no one noticed anything. Then she laid eyes on a brown haired boy and a blonde haired boy. She narrowed her eyes when she realized they weren't smiling, but frowning. "Hey geek! Where's my lunch money?" The brown haired boy took out his five dollar bill right away and handed it to the bigger kid, but the blonde hesitated.

"I don't have to give you anything!" Charlotte was initially surprised the blonde stuck up to the jerk, then the bigger kid said,

"You guys hearing this? Hart thinks he's the one who runs these halls!" The lackeys began to chuckle, then they surrounded the two kids. The brown haired one looked at 'Hart' for help, but the blonde didn't do anything.

"Hey!" Charlotte shouted, just as the bigger kid pulled his punch back. "Leave them alone!" She ran in between the nine year olds, and probably ten year olds. She glared at the boy causing trouble, but he just laughed.

"New girl huh? You know how I can tell? Because you think you have the right to contradict me in this hallway!" Charlotte crossed her arms, but didn't move. Smirking she retorted,

"Then why don't we take this outside?" The older boy scoffed, but was at a loss of words.

"Because... Because... Because I have to go to... To the reading center right now!" As he walked away his lackeys followed him. Once they were out of sight she smiled and turned around.

"Charlotte. Charlotte Barton." She introduced herself as she assisted the boys back up. The blonde nodded,

"Henry. Henry Hart." The curly brown haired boy smiled,

"Jasper. Jasper Dunlop." Charlotte opened up her backpack then dug her hand inside it obtaining a family sized bag of M&Ms.

"Well Jasper, I'm sorry about your lunch. I don't have money to buy you lunch, but I do have M&Ms. Want some?" The young boy nodded eagerly and watched as the new girl poured some chocolate into his hands. "How about you Henry?" The blonde nodded and accepted the candy.

"So..." Henry started, "since you're new here you don't happen to know about Joe's Freeze Bar yet would you?" Sh shook her head,

"No, I just moved in last week." A huge grin formed on his face,

"Then as a thank you we can take you there. It's this really good ice cream place downtown.  It's got like, twenty different ice cream combinations and you could make your own sundae!" Charlotte smiled as they walked into the classroom together.

"I guess that's a deal then!" Henry sat next to her, with Jasper on her other side. Maybe, just maybe, this new town would be her most favorite town yet.

Fun fact - the actual One shot itself is 666 words long, lol.

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