Who is Mitch Bilsky?

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Summary: People tend to forget bullies are bullies because most of the time they were bullied themselves. Mitch Bilsky was bullied at a different school before he transferred to Swellview High. In an attempt to recreate his image he became a bully. Henry decides to finally ask the man himself, why he is the way he is.

Trigger Warnings: Past self-harm, bullying, language, gore.

Rated: T

To say Henry was surprised dinting really account for much. When he walked into detention(which he got for all the late marks he got on his attendance sheet [thanks Ray]). He wasn't that surprised to see Mitch Bilsky sitting in the corner of the room, as far away from the glass windows as possible. Now that Henry's actually thinking about it... His High School bully always sits as far way from windows as he can.

Mitch looked up, and surprisingly, he didn't insult Henry. Kid Danger sat down in the second row of chairs and they sat in silence. What do you say when you're in the same room as the exact person who made your life a living hell? Do you make small talk? Ask him questions about college?
"Why do you bully me?" Henry watched Mitch's smirk drop for a millisecond before he replied,

"Cause it's fun. Why do you care Hart? It's not like we're friends." Henry shrugged,

"I know bullies. Something must've happened. Did you get bullied or something?" Mitch flinched then inched his chair slowly away from the conversation. "Come on man. It can't be that bad." Henry observed as Mitch's smirk dropped. His eyes began to dart around the room as if he was looking for cameras or something.

"Why do you care Hart?"

Why did Henry care? This man convinced Henry he wasn't worth living and actually threw a brick through his bedroom window in an attempt to scare him. He sighed, "even if you bully me, you're still human Mitch. You still have feelings." The bully in the corner slowly started to unwrap himself.

"You're right. I was bullied, that's why I transferred schools. The guy and his group of thug cornered me on the second floor and began to beat me up with baseball bats." He shuddered at the memory. "Back at Redkoss High I was actually getting straight A's, and I was on the honor roll. Which was why the guys beat me on the second floor. When I thought they were done they stopped hitting me. I felt brusies forming all over my body, and one of the guys ended up cutting my forehead so blood was dripping from my face on to the floor." Henry stayed silent, knowing from personal experience how important this moment is. "I tried to stand up, but each person grabbed a limb. They-they tossed me out the closest window. Luckily the second floor wasn't that far from the ground otherwise I'd probably be dead..." Henry realized without meaning to he inched closer to his school bully. Henry wanted to smother Mitch with hugs and tell him it's okay, but he knew Mitch needed his space. Henry reached out and touched Mitch's hand. Mitch flinched at the sudden contact, but didn't push Henry away. Then he whispered two words.

"I'm sorry." Henry smiled,

"I know." They sat in silence before Henry said, "I'm going to tell you my story now." Mitch looked up confused,

"How can a golden boy like you have a sob story like me?" Henry smirked,

"You know better than anyone. We all wear masks." He sighed then leaned back against the chair. "It was a few years ago. Don't worry, you actually had nothing to do with it." Mitch sighed in relief then Henry continued. "My boss had to leave the store for a while and left me in charge, he keeps a taser gun thing behind the counter for safety reasons. After he left business was slow until a group of six people entered. You remember the Wall Dog gang?" Mitch nodded. "It was them, they said they were looking for a new member then started spray painting the merchandise. While one of them distracted me, the other grabbed my arm and put a white hot iron rod against it burning something to my flesh. After it cooled I looked at it. They burnt the Wall Dogs logo on my wrist then left. They bought everything they spray painted then left without a trace. My boss came back without any idea about what happened and I haven't told him. Anyways, they found some way to contact me then told me to go under the Swellview sign and beat me bloody until I was unable to stand. I curled up into a ball to try and protect myself, but they still were able to hit me. Calling it The 'initiation process' they kicked me off of Swellview mountain and into the lake below. I was lucky some fisherman save me and brought me back to his camp. He cleaned me up then gave me a ride back to my house." They both said nothing. The door opened and Charlotte and Jasper walked in making them both jump.

"Henry! Come on we need you at work!" Mitch looked up and realized him and Hart weren't so different after all. Henry smiled back at him then the two shook hands, Henry using the one with the burn.

"You're cool Hart." Henry smirked even wider when he saw his friend's expressions. "I'm still going to bug you." Henry chuckled,

"Wouldn't expect any less of you Mitch. See you later."

As they walked down the street Charlotte asked,

"How was detention?" Henry shrugged. Jasper asked,

"Why did Mitch say 'we're cool?'" Henry smirked again,

"Guess we have more in common then we originally thought." They enter the junk store and Charlotte questioned,

"Like what?" Henry replied,

"You'll be surprised." But he subconsciously scratched his right wrist entering the elevator.

They enter the Man Cave then he said, "people always surprise me." Charlotte looked at him questioning his sanity, but went to her computer station leaving Henry alone.

Henry lightly pulled back his sleeve so he could see the burn. Yes, he thought, people will be jerks, but in the end they're just like us. People.

I've been wanting to write this for a while. Everyone's always hating on Mitch, but bullies have their stories to. This is just my version of his. Also, the whole wall dog thing happened before Henry and the Bad Girl.


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