What?! Wait, Never Mind

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Summary: Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper arrive to work on time. However, they are met with a surprise no one could have prepared them for.

All characters are their current ages on the show. Lilly Manchester was a part of the one shot request, she is not my own character. Also, she is the same age as Henry(14/15)

Requested By: @ShipsForDays666

On with the story!!!

It was 4:00PM when the junk shop door opened to reveal Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper. The golden trip continued their way to the back of the shop, activating the secret elevator and raced to the basement floor. "I know right?!" Henry said, continuing his conversation from earlier. "Kyle should've known better than pranking the new sub." Charlotte nodded then turned to her computer station, only to see someone else already sitting there. Henry grabbed a nearby blaster, Charlotte glared, and Jasper stood in shock.

"Guys! Calm down, my dad said you would be here soon. I was just checking the crime cams since he's busy with something." Henry frowned, he relaxed his stance, but still kept his weapon at the ready. "Really? Hmpf. That wouldn't hurt me anyways. Thanks to my old man that is." Frowning even deeper he tensed again. Ray Manchester came around the corner of his Sprocket and said,

"Henry. Put down the gun, she's not an enemy." His sidekick didn't listen to him and fired the weapon in the stranger's general direction. The blast made the computers to explode and shot the girl backwards indenting the wall. Henry watched as his boss ran to the intruder's side, checking to make sure she was safe. "Lilly?" He was asking, "Lilly? Are you okay?" The girl didn't respond and Ray sighed. "It'll be fine. You'll be okay, just like I promised." He picked up the teen the stared at his employees. "Go upstairs." He saw his sidekicks eyes go from anger to confusion.

"What?" He repeated himself coldly,

"Go. Up. Stairs. NOW!" The three teens ran to the elevator than went up to the junk shop.(He noticed Henry didn't use his superspeed).

When the elevator dinged open Henry and his two best friends spilled out onto the floor. "Who is that girl?" Jasper asked, Charlotte countered with another question,

"Why was she even down there in the first place?" Henry zonned out listening to his friends argue over who the girl could be then a hand touched his shoulder making him jump.

"I'm sorry." He said as soon as he saw who it was. "I didn't-i still don't know who she is." Ray nodded then said,

"I'm going to explain everything okay? I owe you that. I guess I should start from the beginning..."

It was an hour later when Henry's boss finished explaining the girl was his daughter. "You had a daughter." Was all that was said when the story ended. "You have a kid." Ray watched his sidekick process the new information, he knew his would be a delicate situation, Henry would probably think he was being replaced... "Can I meet her?" Henry looked at his boss's surprised face. "I want to say sorry." He nodded, then replied,

"Of course. She's awake downstairs. Come on." Henry followed his boss downstairs then took a look at the girl again. He could see the obvious family resemblance. She had the same dark hair as her dad, the same eyes and the same facial features. Lilly turned around,

"Hi." Henry waved at her akwardly.

"Hey..." She smiled,

"It's alright by the way. I forgive you for shooting me. My name's Lilly Manchester." Henry smiled and shook her hand, well aware of his friends behind him.

"I'm Henry, that's Jasper and Charlotte." His friends waved at the newcomer, she smiled back.

"It is finally nice to meet you three, my dad can't shut up about you." Henry smiled,

"How about I take you out to dinner tonight? You know, as an official welcome to Swellview and all that?" Lilly nodded,

"Of course, that would be amazing." Henry smiled wider,

"Pick you up at seven." After he left Charlotte chuckled. Lilly asked,

"What?" Charlotte said,

"Well, being Henry's best friends we learn things. Such as, he likes you and wants tonight to turn into a date." Lilly's eyes sparkled,

"Really?" Jasper nodded,

"Yeah. But also as his best friends we have to give you the 'if you hurt him we will hunt you down because that is what best friends do' speech; buuuut; since we like you we won't do that. Have fun!"

Every night after that night a girl dressed as Kid Danger would be seen at some crime scenes fighting side by side with Captain Man and the sidekick himself. No one knows who she is, or where she came from. And if you as Kid Danger or Captain Man? It's going to stay that way.

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