1-Who Names Their Kid After A Gargoyle?

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Play Say Something by A Great Big Word for this chapter (I'll tell you when to play it).

Chapter 1: Who Names Their Kid After A Gargoyle?

1 year ago

It was their one year anniversary today. James and Aurora, the school's 'it' couple were celebrating it with a surprise date planned by James.

She was flustered and nervous. The boy she loved would be knocking on her front door any moment.

Love. She really did love him but hadn't figured out how to tell him. She'd known for a few months but could never find the right words to say.

She was worried he wouldn't take it seriously and think she just meant love like how a twelve-year-old says it. No, she meant it for real; she was in love with James. She was completely in love with him and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. He was the one. She just knew it.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Shit," Aurora cursed, jumping in fright. She smoothened out her dress before walking towards the mahogany door that separated her and James.

She carefully opened it to reveal her handsome boyfriend with a bouquet of roses in his hands. He was just as dashing as ever, with his ash brown hair that could never be fully tamed and warm brown eyes that always lit up at the sight of her.

He smiled when he saw his gorgeous girlfriend, his features overcome with joy. "You look stunning, princess," James said in awe.

She blushed at his compliment. She always did but that didn't stop the smile on her face.

You could tell just by looking at the two that they were in love, both always smiled their biggest smiles around one another and always seemed to glow whenever they were together.

He had not told her he loved her as he too was worried that she wouldn't think he meant it but he did. He meant it with all his heart; she was his one and only and he wanted to be with her forever. Today was the day, the day he would finally man up and tell the stunning girl before him just how much he loved her.

Sure they were only sixteen but that didn't mean that they didn't know that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

Age was just a number and these two didn't care that they were young because they were in love.



Beep. Beep. Beep.

Fuck me. It's the first day of school.

Just one more year of torture and I'm free. Just one more year.

With this thought in mind, I force my eyes open only to be welcomed by never-ending rays of sunlight, meaning I must have forgotten to close my curtains last night, great.

Begrudgingly, I lift my sheets off of me and place my feet on my carpeted floor. You can do this, Ari, just one more year.

"Aurora, breakfast's ready sweetie, come downstairs," my mother calls.

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