19-The Tutor Code

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Chapter 19: The Tutor Code

My Monday started off like every other, with my alarm blaring, forcing me to get up. Reluctantly, I pull the sheets off of me and start my morning routine.

Forty-five minutes late Ava's outside my house honking like no one's business. I bid farewell to my mum and siblings before slipping into my converse, grabbing my bag and heading towards her car. "Learn some patience woman," I snap at my best friend in a joking manner.

She shrugs off my comment and starts the drive to school. We make idle chitchat in the car, nothing important just how our weekends were, minus the Wyatt parts, obviously.

We're early so we get a space at the front, thank shit. Now we can get inside before the inevitable cold hits us like a ton of bricks. I dash inside silently laughing at Ava who's struggling to keep up with me because she chose to wear heels today.

"It's not funny," she hisses at me once we're inside.

"You know it is. Don't even try and deny it," I tell her in a singsong voice, starting the journey to my locker.

She huffs at my comment before changing the subject entirely, classic Ava. After getting our thing we meet up with Max and Mason and chat for a bit before we have to go to lessons.

All too soon the bell rings so we say bye to the boys before rushing off to RS. Mr Johnson isn't happy with either of us after my outburst on the first day back so we've been making sure not to piss him off further by not being late for class.


After what feels like four eternities the lunch bell finally rings. Halle-fucking-lujah.

I race to the canteen so I can get food before the line becomes thirty minutes long. Five minutes later, food in hand, I walk over to my usual table, everyone already there excluding Jessica, Ava and Mason, weird—not the Jessica part, she's probably off hooking up with someone knowing her. I shrug off my confusion and sit down beside Max who's already engrossed in his discussion with Chase.

"–yeah, Max, I gotta tell ya she was a proper banger. Eleven outta ten. She was wearing this sexy little–"

"Okay, that's enough," I cut Chase off before he can go into any more detail about yet another one of his rendezvouses.

"Ari, he was getting to the best part," Max whines like a child being robbed of his favourite candy.

"Does it look like I give a shit? I don't want to be hearing about Chase's sexual escapades, especially whilst I'm eating so I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from talking about it until you're in a private place," I say in a sickly sweet manner to convey my point.

Chase rolls his eyes at me before turning his attention to Jordan and Oliver, most likely telling them instead, honestly.

"You're so unfair, Ari," Max complains, resting his head on my shoulder. I chuckle before digging into my food, letting him keep his head on my shoulder because I'm in a good mood.

A few minutes later Jessica joins us, sitting next to Jordan, opposite me, a big smile on her face. "Look who decided to grace us with her presence," Jordan says sarcastically.

"Oh, haha," she replies dryly before digging into her ham sandwich. Jordan goes back to his previous conversation at her remark but not before rolling his eyes at her fondly? He's always had a soft spot for her and I'm pretty sure there was or maybe even still is something going on between them but who knows with those two.

"How come you were late this time?" I ask, genuinely curious even though I'm already pretty sure it was some hookup.

Jess blushes.

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