44-Zucchini Is A Made Up Vegetable

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Chapter 44: Zucchini Is A Made Up Vegetable

When I woke up the next morning Wyatt was nowhere in sight but I didn't let the thought trouble me and decided to, instead, go back to sleep until he showed up. I mean, it's a Saturday, I deserve a lie in every once in a while.

A little while later, the door slamming open jolted me awake from my peaceful slumber. "Wyatt?" I question in a hoarse voice, rubbing my eyes to help adjust to the light.

I don't get a reply but instead he flops onto the bed with an annoyed groan, his posture rigid and tense.

I softly nudge his shoulder to gain his attention. I could feel his muscles from under his shirt but I ignored the butterflies in my stomach, needing to pay attention to the task at hand. "Wyatt, what's wrong?" I ask gently.

He doesn't answer but I know he heard me because he tensed further at my question. I take in a deep breath before trying again, now fully awake. "Wyatt don't shut yourself off from me and don't hide things, please. That worked out really shitty last time and I don't want it to happen again."

It's true, although I've had a blast the last few months by doing all these stupid reckless things I have missed Wyatt, a lot if I'm honest.

I missed the way he smiles; how he always knows exactly what to say; his carefree attitude; his constant care for me; our playful banter; they way he looks at me and so much more. Every interaction we've had big and small meant more to me than I ever realised and our time apart showed me that.

I just hope that he feels the same because I don't want to loose this friendship, it's much too precious for that.

He rolls onto his side so he can face me. When he does, I can see the vulnerability in his eyes. Usually, he's pretty good at hiding his emotions or just putting on a confident front but right now he's being real with me; he's being himself without any barriers.

He sits up slowly, dragging his hand through his hair and biting his lip in a way that gives me goosebumps. He doesn't look at me as he opens his mouth, his eyes concentrated on his lap. "It's mum."

I can immediately feel a sense of dread wash over my body. "Did something happen to her?" I croak out, fear clear in my tone.

He shakes his head and laughs bitterly. "Not in the way you're thinking of," he says with a twisted and sarcastic smile. "Remember a while back when I told you not everyone is who they seem to be?"

"Your mother seems nice," I say to Wyatt.

He jaw clenches. "There's more to people than meets the eye," he tells me stiffly.

I frown at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

He shakes his head and runs his hand through his dark brown locks. "Don't worry about it, green eyes. I'll tell you another time," he says dismissively.

I want to know what he's going on about but I don't pry, knowing it's not my place.

I nod in confusion. What the hell is he going on about?

"Well, let's just say mum hides a lot of things."

Okay now I'm really confused. "Wyatt, what the fuck are you talking about? What's with these cryptic riddles?"

His fists clench the soft sheets tightly as he replies, his knuckles white. "Look, mum has been cheating on my father for years. I think since before I was born if you can believe it. He found out about it a while back and was heartbroken, he loved her a lot and still does for some fucked up reason even though she still does this.

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