18-Disney Is Life

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Chapter 18: Disney Is Life

It's dark outside. We've been driving for about twenty minutes, not too long but the sun doesn't stay up past about five at this time of year. Yay for shitty weather.

After another five or so minutes Wyatt finally parks his car. We must've driven quite far away considering how fast he drives. I'm still not a fan of his speeding and I doubt I ever will be but he doesn't listen no matter how much I badger him. It's a lost cause I suppose.

"Where are we?" I ask as I take off my seatbelt.

"You'll see," he replies, a smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes at him but get out of the car nonetheless. My feet hit the wet tarmac beneath me, it must've rained in this area recently. I close the car door softly behind me, not wanting to damage it and let my eyes scan my surroundings.

The sun has completely set now, the only thing illuminating my surroundings are the scarcely placed lampposts that are next to useless because the bulbs within them are so dim almost no light is given off. We seem to be the only ones around and I'm not quite sure if that unnerves me or makes me more comfortable.

I turn on the balls of my feet to face Wyatt and give him a curious look as I cast a glance at the black duffel bag now on his shoulder. "What's in there?" I ask, gesturing to the bag.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he says, still smirking. This time I audibly groan in annoyance at his cryptic response. He merely chuckles at my discomfort before taking three strides towards me, walking past me and telling me to follow him.

I do so with little protest, considering I don't want to be left here all alone. We walk for about five minutes, not talking because I'm too anxious to speak. Hundreds of scenarios run through my head, none of them good. I take a deep breath and shake the thoughts from my head. I'm overthinking this. It will all be fine.

Wyatt soon comes to a halt in front of some old looking buildings. I give him a strange look when he turns to see me but he just wears an amused smile at my reaction.

He throws the bag he's been carrying onto the floor, unzips it and starts to rummage around the contents. I hear the clanking of metal as he does so. What could be in there? Weapons? That's stupid, why would he have weapons unless–

I'm cut off from my ludicrous imagination by Wyatt pulling out two cans of spray paint and handing one to me. That's when I realise what we're doing.

"You want me to graffiti?" I ask incredulously.

He nods a cheeky grin on his face as he further thrusts the can into my hands. I take hold of the cool metal but shake my head at him. "Wyatt that's illegal. I don't want to get arrested," I tell him even though I was pretty sure he was going to suggest we do something illegal before we left.

He waves me off. "It's a minor thing green eyes. It's not like I'm asking you to kill a man. Let loose. The whole point of this is for you to have fun, be reckless and not care about the consequences. It's going to take time but if you won't even do the small things we're never going to get anywhere."

He's right about that. Heck, it was my idea to do this in the first place but my conscience is telling me that this is wrong. "But–" I start but am cut off by Wyatt talking again.

"No buts. There's no point to this if you refuse the minor things. Have some fun and stop being so boring."


I am NOT boring. "Fine," I sigh, giving in.

He grins at me. "That's more like it. Now, which colour do you want?"

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