25-You Think You Can Take Me?

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Chapter 25: You Think You Can Take Me?

Their gym isn't your standard home gym, then again I didn't expect it to be, we are talking about the Kings after all. It has got almost every facility you could imagine, way too many to name.

In the centre of the large room there is a clear space that is more padded than the rest of the floor, I'm assuming it's a sparring area.

"Okay, green eyes," Wyatt starts. "Because I did interrupt your run, why do you go on the treadmill first to warm up."

I nod at him in response, walking over to one of four treadmills. I start on a light jog, working my way up to a faster pace.

"That's good, keep it up," Wyatt calls from his position by the door. "Carry on, I'll be back in a few minutes. I just have a couple things to take care of." Without another word he exits the room swiftly, closing the door loudly behind him.

About thirty minutes later, Wyatt enters the room, a scowl on his face. With concern rushing through me, I hop off the treadmill and walk over to him.

"You alright?" I ask, slightly out of breath from running.

"Fine," he responds in a clipped tone.

I sigh in frustration. I wish he would open up to me. "You're clearly not okay, what happened?"

"Nothing," he says sharply, seemingly getting more aggravated by the second.

I cross my arms over my chest and give him a stern look. "Wyatt — whatever your middle name is — King, why are you in such a foul mood?"

Usually I would've given up by now and not pressed him to answer but I'm tired of him being so closed off with me. He knows all about James and my fucked up head but he doesn't tell me anything about him. He helped me when I was upset and I want to return the favour. I want to help him but his stubborn arse isn't letting me.

He glares at me. "Aurora, drop it," he says in a low growl.

I shake off the tremors I get from his tone of voice and stand my ground. "If you won't tell me what's going on the least you can do is let out some of that pent up aggression."

He furrows his brows at me. "You were going to teach me to fight," I prompt.

He sighs. "I was, wasn't I? Alright, since you're all warmed up I want you to show me what you've got," he says with a clasp of his hands, some of his anger seeming to fade. "Hit me."

I freeze momentarily. "What?" I sputter out, seemingly confused and worried.

"Chill, green eyes. I'm not going to hurt you. In fact I'm probably not going to fight back for the next couple of months, not until I think you're ready."

"So let me get this straight, you want me to fight you but you're not going to fight back?"

He nods.

I shake my head. "That's stupid."

He chuckles, more of his anger seeming to dissipate. If he won't tell everyone what's bothering the least I can do is help calm him down. "You think you can take me?" Wyatt asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No," I say shaking my head, "I know I can."

He seems surprised by my sudden cockiness but shakes it off, getting into a low crouch. "Alright, green eyes, show me what you've got."

He doesn't need to tell me twice. I start with a quick right hook to the jaw. Wyatt doesn't dodge in time, clearly too shocked.

Using his frozen stature to my advantage, I lunge forward with multiple punches to his abdomen. He stumbles before regaining his balance and resuming his crouch position, his face now focused.

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