9-When Did You Meet That Idiot?

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Chapter 9: When Did You Meet That Idiot?

"So tell me about yourself," Wyatt says, trying to make small talk to fill the deafening silence.

It's my fault that we're not talking, my shyness has kicked in. Now that I'm over the initial shock of the situation I can't help but hide away. I don't know him and that makes me uncomfortable. I don't know what to say or how to act, god I hate this. Stupid shy me, I'm making things awkward as hell.

I don't reply and Wyatt sighs. "I get it, you're probably not that comfortable around someone you don't know but it's not like I'm interrogating you or anything. It's quite strange actually, when you're drunk you're definitely not shy, in fact, you're the opposite. Now though you're as quiet as a mouse." He laughs a little and I glare at him. It's not like I can help it, shyness doesn't have an on and off switch.

"Whatever," I mumble.

"She speaks!"

I give him a hard look and he smirks. Fucking smirks! The nerve of this guy. "Calm down green eyes, I'm only teasing."

"How about this," Wyatt starts after a few more minutes of silence "let's play twenty questions. I'll get to know you better and vice versa. Maybe you'll be more comfortable around me after."

I deliberate over this for a few moments. Why not? He's right, it might help me be less awkward. "Alright."

"I'll start. What's your name?"

I stare at him incredulously for a moment before I realise that he's never actually called me by my real name; he always calls me green eyes. "It's Aurora but everyone calls me Ari."

"As in the princess?" I nod and he gives me a flat look "You do realise you look nothing like her."

"I know that," I snap. I've had this discussion with people far too many times. "My mum just loves Disney so she named me after one of her favourite characters, blame her not me."

"I never said it was a bad thing, it makes you unique."

I didn't know how to respond to that so, instead, I just asked my question; it has been bugging me actually. "Is Nathan your brother?"

He scoffs but it's not directed at me. "When did you meet that idiot?"

"When I was looking for the kitchen he gave me directions," I answer sheepishly.

Wyatt looks amused by my reply and doesn't even try to hide it, stupid idiot. "Unfortunately he is, he's a real pain I tell you, a right idiot." You can tell that he cares about his brother from his tone, although what he's saying is negative, there's a warmth and humour behind it as if he's recalling some funny memories.

I smile at that. It's great to have strong relationships with your siblings, sure they can be annoying as heck but they can also be great friends.

"What about you any siblings?"

"Yeah, brother and sister, they're twins."

He gives me a look, almost as if saying 'I understand your pain'. "God I know what that's like but worse."

"How so?" I muse. "Do you have a lot of siblings?"

"Yep, my family's massive. There's my mum and dad. Then there's Nathan, he's the oldest, followed by Zack, Harper, me, Hunter and Aria — they're twins — Daniel, and then Noah, Carter and Brooklyn — they're triplets. And that's just my siblings don't even get me started on the rest of them."

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