23-A Royal Pain In The Arse

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Chapter 23: A Royal Pain In The Arse

After completely thrashing both Wyatt and Eli–five times in a row because Eli thought it was a fluke and demanded several rematches making him look even more stupid–I got Wyatt to take me home. Eli decided to come with us so I got stuck in the back seat, totally unfair if you ask me.

"You comin' with Wyatt to the track on Wednesday, sweet cheeks?" Eli asks me after nattering with Wyatt for about five minutes.

"The track?" I ask, a confused expression on my face.

Before Eli can respond Wyatt cuts him off. "No she's not Eli, she's not ready for that."

I scowl at Wyatt even though he can't see me. "That's for me to decide, not you," I snap, now rather irritated. Who the fuck does he think he is making decisions for me?

"Actually, green eyes, I'd be the one taking you so it is my decision," he replies in a cocky tone.

I scoff at him. "The smart arse comments aren't appreciated," I say dryly.

"Neither is your tone."





"Really man, that's the best y' got," Eli says with a roll of his eyes, butting into our argument.

"Shut the fuck up," Wyatt snarls back at him. "This doesn't concern you. Stay out of it."

Eli doesn't seem to take offence by this, he just scoffs.

"Fine what do you suggest, oh great insult master," Wyatt says in the most sarcastic voice I've ever heard him use.

"Well," Eli starts, completely ignoring the sarcasm, "I'd choose something a bit more classy like...oh I don't know... a cum guzzling demon slut."

Wyatt and I both stop to give him dry looks. "Really," we both say in unison.

"Geez, tough crowd," Eli mutters.

"Anyway, would one of you be so kind as to tell me what the track is?" I say in the fakest polite manner imaginable.

Again, Eli is about to reply but Wyatt cuts him off. "Nope," he says, popping the 'p'.

"Come on," I whine, "that's so unfair."

"Well too bad," Wyatt says in a clipped tone, I must've pissed him off more than I thought. Oops.

The rest of the drive is done in silence. Wyatt's too pissed to speak, I'm busy sulking and Eli can probably sense the tension and is actually being smart by not saying something stupid right now.

Once we reach my house, it doesn't take long since Wyatt speeds even more than normal when he's angry, no one makes any moves to leave the car. After a few minutes of silence, Eli is the first to speak. "I'm going to go have a smoke," he grunts before slipping out of the front seat and walking away, leaving Wyatt and me alone, cheeky bugger.

Neither of us makes a move to speak, both too stubborn to give in. After a few minutes of tense silence, I finally speak. "You're an arsehole, you know that?"

He scoffs. "So I've been told," he spits out bitterly.

"Okay, something is clearly bothering you. Just spit it out already!" I demand, my anger coming across loud and clear.

He lets out a humourless, dry laugh. "You think something is bothering me? Well, you're fucking right, something is bothering me. You! You're being so stubborn. I made a decision with your best interests in mind. I do want to take you to the track but not yet. You're not ready for that, it'll freak you out."

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